Frosty Reception

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Chara Ravyn's Perspective: Seconds After The Fifth Incident.
The screams of pain died down so quickly... Was she even still alive..? Regardless... Someone had to stop it.
He was just standing over her his hand extended toward her like some kind of creep, maybe it was just my eyes but the air around her was shimmering with a gentle purple glow. I crept up behind him careful not to make a sound. I heard stories here that he didn't have eyes but could still see what was going on, Even so I couldn't just stand around watching. As I stood just behind him he turned his head around slowly. His face was very pale like the rest of his skin yet still well sculpted, his hair that I thought was black is actually a very dark brown, lips twisted into a frightening grin, yet these faded as I looked to where his eyes should be. Thick black fabric was strapped to his head rather crudely, almost as if hiding what lay just beneath its surface. Before I could study his face more he twisted his body around and struck me in the side with surprising strength. What was that weapon I had never seen before? The pain spread through my ribs like fire but unfortunately for him I was ice...
As I rolled to the ground still reeling from the blow I held my palm to the ground, the seal on the inside of my left wrist began to glow an iridescent blue. The searing pain faded and was replaced with a soothing chill, light wisps of frost trailed in the air around me then danced across the floor towards my foe.
"I think you need to chill out."
I almost lost concentration as he looked at me his grin grew as I had spoken to him.
"what's wrong with this guy?!"
In that split second of hesitation he took a step forward onto the now ice covered floor, I closed my fist and the ice itself clamped onto his leg like a bear trap. As I stood up he just looks down at the thing,
"Why are you looking at it if you can't see..?"
The light blue hue of the ice slowly changed streaks of red covering its smooth surface.
"So you can bleed, well if you can bleed you can-"
My words fall short as he turns to face me again, just him looking at me sends shivers down my spine. The way his face is contorted into that grin is unnerving, I almost looked away but then he started moving again. A swift swing of his arm and my ice falls to the ground in blood stained chunks, both hands now on the "staff" he readies himself. With a sigh I drew my sword the blade sliding across its sheath seemed to draw his attention for a moment. After that moment passed he charged holding his weapon low parallel with the ground as he stepped, he didn't make any sound and my eyes went wide with the surprise of his speed on the frozen surface. As quick as I could I brought my sword up to parry his swing that didn't come, instead he launched a fist into my stomach the pain hardly noticeable from the numbness of his last strike. Before he could back away however I grabbed his left forearm in my free hand. Channeling my seal's powers once more, thick light blue ice gripped his arm from the floor holding it in place. As predicted he brought that strange staff up to try to break the ice, letting go of his arm and jumping back I waited for him to do so. Yet he didn't bring it back down he just held it up, slightly confused I took it as an opportunity and secured his legs in double icy traps their teeth biting into his flesh and spattering the ground in crimson. He didn't even cry out instead he lowered his staff and pointed the end at me, the shimmering purple fog that was around Marissa gently drifted to the end forming a long curved shape. It was longer than my sword but only just, that twisted grin of his was now gone only a blank expression remained. I needed to finish this quickly before things got out of hand, moving into a sprint I charged him unsure of what to do only knowing he needed to be stopped. He readied himself as my boots crashed along the icy floor, leveling my sword I lunged at him. My sword piercing his chest only a few inches before coming to a stop. Not being able to see where my attack was coming from there was no way he could deflect it though it didn't seem to do much. Bringing my foot up I kicked him in the chest launching myself backward before he could retaliate in any way. Then I noticed it, what could only be described as a shadow hanging over his body. Semi-transparent like a thin sheet hung over a door way the only difference is that this shadow was moving on its own. As I took in this new sight the places where I had previously injured him seemed to be shrouded in this darkness and I could no longer see blood spilling from his body, I grit my teeth while holding my ground as I thought what to do next. The same purple glow from before seemed to be the only light anywhere near him, like someone turned off all the lights in the corridor. A feeling of dread washed over me as I felt a pair of hands clutch my ankles, my eyes falling to the ground a second too late as I'm pulled into the air by my unseen assailant. Flailing comes as an instinct in this situation but I resist but only just, keeping calm as my clothes betray my will to gravities allure was not my biggest problem right now. He stands right before me now his eyes shining through the darkness of the blindfold, that color I've grown to hate in the past few minutes emanates from within.

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