The First Morning

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The sound of rolling wheels fills the spaces in my dark world. I wonder what will happen, it's so unbearable being in this state. These thoughts coursed through my mind for some time until everything came to a stop.
"Be careful with this one... I heard he had a strong resonance."
This voice different from the first one, perhaps a younger man. The only response was a grunt, I then felt myself being picked up. The feeling was so strange compared to what I had gotten used to, unable to move the figure slumped me over their shoulder and carried me off.

Steady steps ten then forty, now a hundred. All extremely heavy, this person had to be very large even their shoulder was big enough for my stomach to rest on. Strong yet very gentle, no voices, but faint clinking. Rhythmic in time with the steps, perhaps they are a prisoner as well?
"What is this place?"
My thoughts bounced around in my mind. Suddenly a deep sigh and I'm set down, not laying but sitting this time. My eyes once shutting the world out slowly a light orange replaces the inky veil I have grown used to. I don't open my eyes for the great fear of what lies in this new light. The pressure on my mouth lifts now and like before I am like a statue, unable to become accustomed to this change in my world.
"Eyes work?"
This question simple and very laughable struck my ears making me wince. A deep chuckle comes from the space in front of me.
"Ears work good."
I begin to shake this change frightening me to my core.
"Cold? Need blanket?"
My body is still stiff and I can't do anything as the figure drapes a warm blanket over my shoulders. I tense up still processing this great change.
"Why is this happening, why can't I go back to the world I was happy in."
An empty question no one could hear it yet it felt like everyone could. My world destroyed by the compassion of the one before me. A new sensation crosses me as I calm down in time. The figure seems to notice the change in my appearance and smiles, I can't see them but they speak in a cheerful tone.
"Smell food, yes? I feeds ya now."
With a gentle hand and a clink I hear this stranger gather some of this mystery meal. Bringing it to my lips I felt the warmth before they gently opened my mouth for me. Broth, simple yet savory. It flowed over my tongue and down my throat the taste bringing color to my cheeks. Perhaps this being actually cared for me. It's gentle kind approach to feeding me ended after several spoonfuls, none of them rushed or forced. After the "meal" they wiped my lips, I could feel my strength returning though only slightly. My fingers twitched from feeling cold, and I heard a light grumbling from my caretaker.
"Sleep now, tomorrow tests."
A gentle touch of a very large hand moved me to a familiar lying position, and the blanket was draped over my still form.
My eyes still closed begin to feel even heavier and I drift off to sleep.

A large clatter awakens me my eyes flying open blinding me instantly, I clutch my eyes in pain as the memories explode in my mind. Buildings crumbling, people being ripped to shreds by horrifying creatures right out of a nightmare. The back of my neck burns strongly and the world goes quiet once more, no light, no noise, no feeling. I'm back in the world I entered before.

In the same room a moment before: Gresh's perspective.

I wheeled in the breakfast cart and began to get the toast and eggs as I checked in on the new arrival. Although as I was getting the last of the food onto the plate my big hand slipped and I dropped a metal tray cover. The noise was very loud and in the next instant I heard screaming, I looked at the new arrival and he was clutching his eyes. A horrifying grimace on his face, the shadows around the room thickened around him. The next thing I know where he once laid was a sphere of darkness.
"I need get Supervisor!"
My voice didn't feel as loud as it had been this morning, but I didn't take much notice to it as I shambled down the hallway to get the Supervisor. Using the keycard on my belt I unlocked the security door and pushed the intercom.
At first there was nothing but static but then a voice crackled into the air.
"What is it now Gresh?"
"Sir, the new one. He... I... Need help!"
A long pause followed my words. I shuffled anxiously unsure of what to do. After what seemed like ages I heard the distant sound of a security door unlocking, the Supervisor casually strolled down the hall his suit neat and pressed never a speck of dirt on it.
"Gresh the door please."
I opened the door quickly and he stepped through, I followed behind him my eyes cast downward. We got to the door that lead to the new arrival and the sphere of darkness still remained.
"It seems I underestimated him."
I cast a confused glance at the Supervisor.
He just smiled and walked out of the room leaving me confused and worried.

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