Chapter Twenty Two

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Long chapter so need a lot of comments you guys ;)

Sophia leaned back in her chair, staring at her laptop in a confused manner. It had been a week and she still couldn't find the reason for the extra expenditures of her company. She had gone through every file every paper and every balance sheet, the extra expenditure is no where to be found.
Now she was worried, she had to tell Conner about it sooner or later. He had trusted her with this responsibility and she was ashamed to have let him down. But she couldn't understand what the problem was. When she saw the files it looked like there was no extra expenditure at all!
She picked up her phone and dialed someone. ''Hello, It's me Sophia. Get me the files from yesterday and make sure you do it fast'' With that she hung up.

Again going through her laptop, she read all the reports again and again trying to find the reason for the declining profit, Conner wont take this lightly at all. She was now getting anxious, frustrated with all the false data she shut her laptop screen forcefully.

closing her eyes she rubbed her face with her cold hands. ''What am I going to do'' She muttered. This was getting out of hands and there was no way in hell can she let this pass. She just had to rake her brain cells into finding what or who was responsible for this.

A knock on her door made her quickly compose herself. ''Come in''

Mike walked in with a worried look, ''You okay Soph?'' He set the files on the table and then went ahead to sit on the couch of her office.
''No Mike, I have this huge problem and I don't know what to do. The boss is gonna be so mad!'' She exclaimed. Mike looked at her tired form knowing fully well about how tired she was.
''If you want I can help you?'' He knew he wasn't of much help in her department but he would do anything to help her. Everyday he saw how hard she worked and how lonely it made her, also he did not like her in that kind of a manner but he still cared for her as a friend.

''No Mike, I'll be fine. Go before boss come's around and starts yelling'' She smiled at him, assuring him that she was fine. Mike nodded and reminded her of how he would love to help her and walked out.

It felt weird calling him 'Boss' in the office. She was so used to calling him Conner everywhere, but no one knew of their relation outside the office so it was kind of obvious why she had to call him that.

Standing up from her seat she walked over to the mini fridge that had some beverages for her when she was hungry but not ready to face humans. She took out a can of juice and opened it sipping it immediately not wanting it to fall. ''What a relief'' She sighed as she leaned against the shelf and drank more forgetting about the current situation. If it was up to her she would have that fridge full with vokda but because Serenity is constantly opening that fridge when she's here, she can't take the risk.

''Slacking off already?'' She heard a high pitched voice behind he making her whip her head instantly.

There stood a lady in her 40s or 50s looking at her with a smirk. From the moment she saw her, Sophia's mind screamed trouble. She raised her eyebrow and turned to the lady fully, not liking the tone of her voice. ''Excuse me?'' She asked, ''I don't remember you working here?'' She asked, not even trying to hide the irritation in her own tone

''Of course you don't, not if you waste your time like this'' The lady chuckled making Sophia narrow her eyes. If it wasn't for her age she would have insulted her in her own style. 
Sophia managed to fake a smile, ''Are you new?'' She asked again.

The lady nodded, ''Duh, Obviously. I'm Shery by the way'' She walked inside the cabin and that's when Sophia noticed a file in her hand. ''I'm your new PA'' She gave her a sick smile before bending down and keeping the file on the table with a smack. ''I've just started working here. It's a pleasure to meet you Sophia.''

''Firstly I don't like your attitude and secondly it's boss to you not Sophia'' Sophia smirked as she walked over to her seat and settled down. ''I don't remember recruiting a new PA must have been Mike'' She sighed. ''So Shery, what are your qualifications?'' Sophia asked truly curious.

''More than you'' Shery replied as she too sat in front of Sophia and leaned back in her chair looking at her manicured nails.

Sophia did not say anything, she just glared at the old woman. She reminded herself she could not lost her temper with an old lady. She had to maintain a personal decorum and also respect her elders.

''Very well. I see you have a smart mouth, good. But don't get too smart with me ma'am for I am your boss'' She replies sternly and throws the can away in the trash. ''Then I have to discuss a few things with you I guess'' Sophia stood up from her chair and walked over to her shelf, ''These files'' She pointed to a huge stack of files which were more than 30 or so, ''I've been meaning to arrange then according to the date and importance. I'll mail you the list of our most precious clients and new ones too. I want this work to be done by today'' Sophia smiled at her sweetly and then walked back to her seat, ''You know Shery I don't get why I've been appointed a PA but since i can not do anything about it I might as well accept it''
Sophia looked at the lady, mentally groaning ''Also please button up your shirt, I will not pay you for whor- I mean goofing around'' Sophia picked up a pen and quickly jotted down something on a paper, ''This is what I like in my coffee and my afternoon lunch. Also it should be on time , you can go now'' With that she signaled Shery to leave.

Shery got up, still glaring at the woman in front of her. If she was still a Manhattan she would've shown this woman her place in a second. Oh how much she hated those Manhattans. ''Yes ma'am, is there anything else i can get you?'' She asked, rolling her eyes, clearly angry.

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