The Concert

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It was an electric concert. From the moment she stepped into the auditorium, all eyes seemed to be on her. But she tuned it out. This was her chance, a golden opportunity. No telling when she'd get another. And besides, there was no shame in it. They couldn't see her face anyway.

The energetic performance ended with a cacophony of screams from the enthralled fans. As he spoke into the microphone, his gaze swept across the auditorium, thanking the audience for their thunderous welcome and unwavering support. Then, his eyes caught on a single, dark figure. Black from head to toe, almost ghost-like, except for the two pools of light where eyes should be. She wasn't far, close enough for him to make out some details. And yes, he was certain it was a girl. Those sparkling eyes gave her away. A mysterious girl in black, standing silently amidst the frenzy, unmoved by the screaming fans, her gaze locked on him like a laser.

From that moment on, she held his attention captive. As the autograph session arrived, the fans buzzed with excitement, eager to meet their idols face-to-face. He, too, felt a strange anticipation. He yearned to see the girl up close, to meet those captivating eyes. Curiosity gnawed at him. Perhaps he just wanted to confirm whether she was truly a ghost or not.

He waited patiently, scanning the line for her with growing impatience. When he finally spotted her at the end, his heart lurched. She was getting an autograph from his bandmate, Rap Monster. Then, she moved on to Jin and Suga, her interactions polite but reserved. A shy smile flickered across her eyes at Jimin's playful wink, the closest he saw to a reaction. When she reached J-Hope, the resident ball of sunshine, even his infectious energy couldn't elicit more than a polite nod. His heart hammered in his chest with each step she took closer. Why, he couldn't explain.

With each autograph, his excitement mounted, bordering on mania. He felt guilty for neglecting the other fans, his attention solely on her. But he couldn't help it. Now, she stood before him, close enough to see clearly, yet still shrouded in mystery. He hoped no one noticed his preoccupation, fearing the unwanted gossip it would ignite.

As his bandmate, V, interacted with her, he felt an inexplicable pang of unease when she finally cracked a quiet laugh at his jokes. He saw it in her eyes, a genuine flicker of amusement. V playfully suggested a high-five, but they all knew the cultural norm prohibited physical contact with fans in hijabs, so instead, he did a silly dab. Still smiling, she moved on to him.

Their eyes met. His breath hitched. Those eyes were truly stunning, beautiful beyond words. He was momentarily frozen, speechless.

"Yeppeuda..." (So pretty), the words escaped his lips before he could stop them.

Flustered, she averted her gaze and quickly pushed her album towards him. Regaining his composure, he fumbled with the marker, signing it with clumsy strokes. As he returned the album, their eyes met again, and time seemed to stand still. Their hands hovered over the album, a silent connection.

She broke eye contact once more, taking the album and disappearing into the throng of fans.

His heart pounded. He tried to calm his racing pulse, but it was a losing battle. His chest tightened beneath his shirt. What had just happened? he whispered to himself, bewildered. The girl in black, a haunting apparition, had left him mesmerized, and her memory continued to linger long after the concert lights dimmed.

And Jungkook, the idol, still tried to deny it all.


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