Chapter 2- New years Night

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Dear Diary,

Well i guess this is the part when i say what happened on New Years Day and Night, well i here i go, the first thing i did was wake up so basically the usual thing every average teenager processes when they wake up,go on their phone for one hour, finally get up and other stuff. Well anyways here i go telling you about my New Years Day and Night. 

                                (GETS FLASH BACK TO NEW YEARS)

When i got off my bed i saw some strange person talking with my dad, but when i finally realized it was my english teacher i changed and i snuck out the back door, when i got out, i totally forgot there were sprinklers and that was a total bust so i had to run through them to get to the back gate which was far because my mom had this garden which had a long path way to get to the gate, which made no sense. I finally had got to the gate which took like forever. Going to Kim's house was a total waste of my time, when i got there her parents said she was not there, then i remembered she has a boyfriend now. Then Kim's mom invited me inside because i was soaking, so she lent me some of Kim's cloths that i apparently couldn't fit into so i had to put on some of her brother's cloths that i totally wanted to wear, oh and i didn't bring up Kim's brother yet well Kim's brother's name is Kent, he is the most handsome boy in school that even talks to me.                                                                      Anyways lets get back to reality, when i walked into Kent's room Mr.Newman gave me cloths to put on, and let me change in there and also gave me a towel to dry off, as was changing my cloths Kent suddenly walked in, thank god i grabbed my towel up, he just walked back out really quick and i continued to change.                                                                                                                                                After i went to talk to him and tell him IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!!, but then he asked for my phone number but i had no phone so i asked him for his he gave it to me. But right at that moment i didn't know what just happened there, but i just went along with life.I had no place to go so i just went at the Cafe a couple blocks from here then i saw Kim driving up the road, she asked me if i wanted a ride to where i was going, obviously i said yes because first i want my best friend back second it is saving me from foot pain.

The drive to the Cafe was just a quiet drive no one talked cause we had nothing to talk about, when we got to the Cafe we just ordered milk shakes and sat, she didn't know what to say because the last time we talk was the day after Christmas, so we just talked about what we did and laughed about our embaressments that happened and then she saw Kent's phone number sticking out my pocket and realized i was wearing his cloths that were to tight for him but fitted me, she started asking me questions like, why am i wearing Kent's cloths and why do i have Kent's phone number and i just explained to her the story and we just laughed about it. After our milk shakes she gave me a ride home, when i got home finally she asked me if i would go to a party with her and Grace, so i obviously was so happy and felt like i was walking on air i said yes and she left. 

I started to skip to my room, then the best thing happened to me, my mom walked in (i never thought i would put those words in the same sentence) and gave me a cell phone it was a iphone 4s, i was as happy as a lark.    So the first person i called was Kent, then Kim, then Grace.                                  This day couldn't have been better, but it got better Kent asked me to go see fireworks with him, he had two tickets and everyone had plans, I screamed with excitement and joy.                                        I started to pick out my dress from my closet, it was perfect.

That night i went over to Kent's and he drove us there, he looked handsome and he told me i looked stunning, and i just smiled from ear to ear, when we got there we had a ball and lots of cotton candy and shared popcorn and a long conversation and a lot in common.Then he asked me to be his girlfriend, and at that moment i froze like an ice burg, he was everything i want in a guy but i just realized that i have a over protective mom, so i thought for a second there maybe we could have something like a relationship so we can keep it a little secret, so i said yes and i told him the plan and why, and he agreed.

It was the most perfect day of my, no other day compared to this one.

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