Chapter 3- Then Humiliation Comes

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Dear Diary, 

Feeling as happy as ever but at the same time I also feel a little bummed, and of course school is today I feel so weird of going to school and also a little scared, not just of going to the same school as Kent, but also having to deal with the top mean girls of the school, i call them the "three little pigs", but their real names are Jennifer, Lisa and the leader Melissa, and if they ever found out i call them that they totally will taunt me to the day I die, once they don't find this page.                                                                         

                                        -After School-                                                                                                         Today was a total reck i kept on staring at Kent but we couldn't even talk to each other, i couldn't even tell my two best friends our secret, and the "three little pigs" were so mean today i just wish that i could rub it in their face that i am officially a unavailable teenager.                                                                         But the best part is me and Kent are having an official date, he asked me if i wanted to go to the grill with him this friday and I totally said yes, OHH NOO!!, I totally forgot what am i going to tell my mom well i guess i would have to spill it, to my friends, they could be my back up plan or i could tell my mom that we are just friends hanging out, but the back up plan sounds a little more clever.


Dear Diary,

It's been two days andd i haven't told Kim and Grace yet, just sitting their next to them at the lunch table keeping my mouth shut tight is just not helping anymore i have to tell them but i don't know how.                                                                                                                  Maybe if i just use  plan B (tell my mom we are just friends hanging out), who knows it might probably work and i might pull this off.    

Anyways lets talk about what happened at school DRAMA DRAMA AND MORE DRAMA!!!       at lunch today the big bad wolf and her mini pigs came and made a big fuss that i was sitting in her seat then threw some of my own lunch down my top (i was totally embarassed) then everyone laughed at me cause i looked like i was covered in something that a Oger pooped out, then later on she told me she saw me eyeing  Kent (which was true) but she always picks on me the most out of i don't know and a hundred kids in the entire school, Grace tells me that she is envious of me and Kim tells me that she is just looking for someone to perfect to pick on (i thought that was sweet).

So literally the worst first day of the week ever.

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