What Are They?

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“Good morning everyone,” said Wyn dully. No one responded and Wyn knew no one would, she just said it out of habit. Everyone had breakfast, which was toast with butter, nutella, cheese and/or tomatoes. Excluding the crunching of The Group eating and the snapping of twigs when someone stepped on them, no one made a sound.

“Ok whether we like it or not we have to face the fact… what happen last night might have destroyed the city, we must investigate!” Jarrod explained, breaking the silence.

“No we need to contact our parents to see if they are alright,” argued Eveile.

“I’ve already tried, we have signal but they don’t, whatever hit them must have taken out the thing that gives us reception in the city” suggested Katerina.

“No, no, no, the city and us get our reception from satellites, that star must of hit a satellite, that’s probably what crashed at the campsite,” explained Wyn

“This is all irrelevant, we still have to go to the city no matter what happened in, or out of the city,” argued Jarrod.

“Jarrod’s right, that’s our first priority,” agreed Charlotte.

The Group argued as to what to do and what happened for another five minutes. Jarrod ended up winning and them all packing up to head to the campsite.

Jarrod lead The Group to the Campsite which took an hour, everyone had there on theories as to what happened and all theories were argued about, like Katerina’s theory;

“It might have been a meteoroid”

“No it wouldn’t have stopped in mid-air Spider,” explained Ebony.

And Eveile’s theory;

“Hey it might have been an alien space ship”

“Then why did it crush land? Wouldn’t it have just landed normally?” argued Wyn

When I said everyone had their theories, I meant everyone except Rihanna, she stayed silent knowing exactly what happened… but did not want to say anything for she wasn’t supposed to know, and was scared of the consequences of confessing.


When they were five minutes away from the campsite, they walked in silence, listening intensely for any signs of human life/activity, but all was silent. As they approached the campsites out skirt Alysha gasped at what they were observing;

All tents were ripped and clothes were everywhere, trees were scratched and some of them collapsed (Rihanna whispered “I thought the force wasn’t strong enough to make these trees collapse.”), branches and leaves covered the large sections of the ground here and there. Blood covered the ground, and a lot of it, but the strange thing is that there wasn’t just red blood; there was this weird dark yellowish blood which dripped off of branches of trees that weren’t collapsed. In the centre however, no clothes or leaves or blood cover the floor, and there was a crater the size of a big exercise ball (you know the ones that are really bouncy).The smell was malodorous!But no one coulddescribe it!

But with all this horror seen by The Group, there was no sound (excluding the sound of the wind and a far off chirping of birds and crickets).

“It’s too qui…,” slipped out Ebony who was then interrupted by Katerina covering her mouth and signalling to Ebony to shut up by her facial expression. But it was too late, the sounds of the birds and the crickets silenced immediately after Ebony started to talk.

Jarrod bent down and looked around for anything I could use to hit someone… or something with, I found a few leaves, a thick short branch, and some mud.

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