The Rules of Imagines

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Rules. We all hate them, right? You can't do this, you can't go here, you can't say that, blah blah blah. I hate most rules just as much as you, dear reader, but sometimes rules need to be in place. (Oh god, I sound like my mom)!

Les Règles

1. Information does not carry over! This ones a big one, that's why is number one. This one is also a teeny but complicated. In fanfictions, information shared in one chapter applies to the chapters after it, because it's a book. You don't need to restate in every chapter that the OC has brown hair, for example. Imagines are different, though. When people read imagines, they typically go to the chapter section when they click on (or tap on) a book and only read the ones that sound interesting. Because of that, if in your first chapter you state that your OC has green eyes, for example, that does not apply to the other imagines. In the second imagine, you need to restate that your OC has green eyes, or just never mention eye color. Imagines are not like chapters. Another example is that, say in your third imagine, your OC and a character get married. In the fifth imagine, that's no longer true. Either you need to say that you are married or maybe the characters aren't married yet in that imagine. Imagines are all separate little stories, not one big one. But wait! Here's where it gets tricky. If you have a part one and a part two, information does carry over between the imagines, and readers need to read both to understand what's going on. That said, you may have two imagines, part one and two, that have different endings. In that case, information doesn't carry over because readers get to choose which ending they like best, and read that one. I told you it's complicated. If you have questions, comment and I'll reply!

Numéro deux. Title your imagines! So this ones isn't really a rule. This is more of a suggestion to make people like your imagines more. If you title you imagines, people will understand a bit more about them when they are deciding whether or not to read the book. Titles may make the reader say, "Hey, that sounds interesting! I'll read it!" So, obviously, that's a good thing! Title your imagines, people!

3. Don't make them all the same, for crying out loud! Please, I beg of you, for all that is good in the world, make them different! This may seem obvious to some but I can tell you there are imagines that are all the same. Listen, mes amies, listen! You are all at least somewhat smart! You can think for yourselves! Come up with new ideas! If everyone writes an imagine about something, don't write it again! Your whole fandom knows about that kind of imagine, so supply the fandom with something new! They deserve it! Especially the Percy Jackson fandom/ the demigods, they've been through a lot! And the Potterheads... and the Tributes... and the Runners... authors are evil. And yes, there are some terribly abused fandoms that I did not mention, don't get all up in arms about it. Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

So there you have it, the rules of imagines. I'm learning French, can you tell? Happy writing, mes beaux lecteurs! 📃📃📃📃📃

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