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the cold wind grazed your bare cheeks as you stood infront of the beautifully decorated cafe. rubbing your hands and blowing warm air into them you rocked side to side struggling to keep warm as you waited for him. if only you listened to your mother when she yelled at you to bring your gloves along. now you were just a freezing mess.

you let out a deep breath and smiled at the sight of your own breath due to the cold. you could still be fifty of age and get amazed whenever winter came around.

you let out a giggle when you felt a snowflake touch the tip of your nose.

"it's snowing." you reached your hand out as you felt the snowflakes gracefully descend onto your palm.

bringing your hand closer to you, you observed the intricate patterns of each flake. each held different designs and sizes which never fail to make you fall in love with winter even more.

shaking off the snow gently off your hand, you let out a sigh.

"where are you joshua?"



"mom! it's winter, i can feel it." you tugged on the sleeve your mother's blouse.

excited over the temperature change, you carefully made your way to the closet to find the prettiest winter coat you had.

running your fingers across the selection of coats, your hands landed on a familiar texture. it was your favourite coat, a long blue winter coat with black buttons along with a tiny bow on the collar.

"i wonder why i bother buying you a different coat each year when you'll just end up using that each year." your mother voiced as she helped you into your coat.

the both of you let out a chuckle and headed outside to walk around. you locked arms with your mother as you stepped out of the house, breathing in the cold air.

just as you stepped out of the house you felt the cold snowflake land on your cheek. you let out a big smile as you knew it was the first snow.

"it's snowing."

you let go of your mother's arm as you walked further and twirled in the snow, clearly enjoying the beautiful moment.

"mom! come here, it's time for you to describe each snowflake that's in my hand." you let out a giggle as you reached your hand out.

you were blind, you forgot how it all happened but all your mother told you was that you lost your sense of sight when you were fourteen. eversince that day, you never enjoyed anything except when it came to winter.

your mother will bring you out, let you roam around the yard as you felt the snow touch your soft skin. she'd then describe to her best, each and every snowflake that landed on your hand.

"well, i guess you're lucky today my dear. there's a big one right on the center of your palm. and it's as beautiful as you are darling."

she caressed your cheeks that were red from the cold gently, her heart in great pain to witness her daughter in that state.

oblivious to her emotions, all you did was smile and thanked her with a kiss on the cheek.

"let's go in shall we? time to get you all warmed up and read your favourite tale."

you nodded as you reached out for your mother's arm. leading you ever so gently back to home, your heart was filled with warmth to know you still had your parents with you.

you slowly made your way to your room as you sat on your bed which was near the window. hearing your mother's footsteps as she came in with two cups of hot chocolate and a piece of cake. she placed it on the bedside table and sat down next to you.

"mom, do you believe that there is a guardian out there making all this happen?"

you stared out the window, as you pictured the last scene you remembered of winter.

"i believe there is my dear. when i was younger, my mom would tell me that the guardian changes each decade but they all look the same. hair as white as snow and skin as soft as a bed of snow."

you giggled as you heard your mother ramble on about the guardian of winter. you were determined to meet him one day, that's for sure. you believed in each of your mother's word and hung on to it dearly.

"cut the crap joohyun, you're just deluding the young girl's mind." you turned your head to your father's voice.

"well it's not wrong for mom to tell me stories dad, such a killjoy." you stuck out your tongue and felt a strong pair of hands squish your cheeks.

"the guardian of winter is just a story, understand? enough now, dinner's ready."

your father released his hands away from your face as he went out of the room.

"don't worry about your dad, he's just worried for you." your mother gave you a soothing rub on the back and guided you to the dining room.

"i'll make you believe in me, just wait."


winter's child - hong jisoo. Where stories live. Discover now