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sighing, you grabbed your cane and made your way out to the balcony. your sense of hearing definitely became stronger since you lost your sight. your fingers were carefully wrapped around the railing as you enjoyed the cold breeze.

the sounds of children running around as they threw snowballs at each other, laughters and mothers yelling at their children to be careful filled your ears.

"must be a wonderful sight." you let out a weak smile and trailed your index finger on the railing only to stop when you felt something or someone.

"what are you? i meant who are you but still applies." 
you backed off as you tried to face the person.

you felt your head being held by someone. your head was slowly turned to face your left.

"don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you."

a young man's sweet voice filled your ears which made you swoon.

"w-well, how can i trust you. you are in my balcony right now."

"if i came here to hurt you i would've done that the moment you touched me right?"

you shrugged as you straightened your coat.

"well then answer me, who are you?"

you shivered at the silence, was he gone? you were about to speak when you felt the same pair of soft hands cup your face. feeling his presence inching closer to you, you froze in panic. you tried to move but your body just refused to react.

you felt his breath near your ears, cold as ice.

"i'm the guardian of winter."

your eyes widened, this wasn't funny to you. you dearly believed in the guardian of winter, and here someone is claiming that he is the one.

"liar, i may be blind but i'm not stupid."

shocked, the young man took a step back. how was he going to prove to her that he really was the guardian of winter?

gently taking her hand, he held on to it dearly and closed his eyes.

"hold on tight."

"why should-"

not allowing yourself to continue your sentence you felt your feet off the ground. this was thrilling, you felt a gush of adrenaline as you went up higher. feeling a little afraid though, you grabbed the young man's arm and wrapped your arms around it for fear he'd suddenly let you go.

"okay, you can put me down now!"

"why? we have so much more to explore! i want to bring you to all the places that will make you happy."

the young man voiced and chuckled at your fearful expression. not wanting to upset you, he brought you back to the balcony and brushed the hair away from your face as you landed.

"show me more! i mean i can't see but you can control the snow right? how about making it snow right now, maybe then i'll believe you."

chuckling at your words, the young man grabbed his wooden cane and pointed it towards the sky allowing a strike of blue to zap out of the cane and into the clear sky. a few moments later, you felt the familiar feeling of snow on your skin.

"oh my gosh, it's really you! the guardian of winter! i cannot believe it, wait till i tell mom about this." you wrapped your arms around the young man, excited to know it all wasn't fiction.

flustered, the guardian's cheek turned into a shade of pink as he returned the hug.

"i'm sorry but i have other places to visit. i'll come back to you, i promise."

upset, you let out a pout as he released you from his embrace. you felt your hair being stroked as he left a peck on the top of your head.

"wait! before you go, i'm sure you have a name?"

letting out a chuckle he hopped onto the railing and prepared to fly into the clear sky.

"it's joshua."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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