Chapter |6|

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Yeah yeah i will keep it short.
Soorry for my absence but i had exams and due to some reason i lost the motivation to write.
But i am back strong as a horse.
Well a femaleone.😘😘😘

Pic above is Stiles.
Comment so i know where to improve.

Lydia POV

I blinked my eyes open to find worried brown eyes peering down at me.

"What are you doing?" My voice came our raspy and throaty as if I have been shouting.

I opened my eyes to blinding light and warm molten brown eyes staring at me, his body hovering over me.

"Lydia" Stiles whispered, his voice hoarse. Then his lips stretched into a grin.

"You are awake." He said smiling.

His smile was infectious. I found my self smiling at him.
My cheeks reddened when I realized how close we were.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as referring to our close proximity as he made no move to remove himself.

"Why are you whispering?" He said still smiling.

Wait a minute.

"Where the heck am I?" I tried to sit up.


Aaaand I clashed with Stiles.
I could feel my head throbbing  and my stomach fluttering.

Why would my stomach flutter at the thought of Stiles??
I must have hit my head pretty hard.

(A/n : the feels when the love just starting)

"You just woke up and are violent as ever." Stiles said rubbing h s forehead.

"I didn't mean to. It was an accident. Okay!" My defense mechanism kicked in. "But seriously, where am I?

I looked around to see pristine white tiles.
"Yes we are at the hospital." He said affirming my thoughts.
"And, what are we doing here?" I asked.

He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. Our noses were almost touching.

Cue the flutters and trouble in breathing.

I could smell his cologne. Man I need to buy that stuff. Its smells so good and I feel like its a drug.
My personal drug.

"You mean to say that after the stunt you pulled you don't remember a thing?" He spoke drilling holes in my head as if he wqs figuring out a puzzle.

"What stunt? I never pull any stunts."I sqd back.

"Tsk,tsk Babygirl. Good girls don't lie!" He smirked.

I was flabbergasted.

Did he also hit his head ?

"Uh, Stiles are you okay?" I asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be, snookums?" He smirked.

Snookums?What is this? Cliché teen story where he calls me nickmanes and I fall in his arms.

Fat chance.
I laughed or more like snorted at my thoughts.

"Am I interrupting something?" A throat cleared.

I jumped back and put some space between Stiles and myself.

I didnt

Rowan and Liam invited themselves in.

I saw Stiles lean back with a satisfied look on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him.Something was definitely suspicious.

"How are you feeling?" Rowans voice brought me back out of my reverie.

"I have been better." I replied with a smile.

 "So... Is there something going on between you two?" Liam asked, gesturing towards me and Stiles.

"I thin what you meant was- Lydia do you think Stiles is hot?" Stiles said grinning.

Before Stiles could say anything and jeopardize the situation more, 

I bursted out " What no! Are you crazy?

" Woah!No need to get so hyper!" Liam said laughing.

"Now since all of you have exchanged pleasantries, lets get down to business," Stiles started saying, then he turned towards me and continued

" Lydia, its not the time to be playing dumb. Tell us what happened the other day."

"I am telling the truth. I honestly dont remember anything other than the fact that we were about to play the stupid ouija board." Lydia said, rolling her eyes.

Stiles temper rocketed.

"So you think this is funny. You think us risking out lives for you is so damn funny!" 

"Stiles" Rowan warned.

"What? Just because I am helping her that does not mean I forgive her. You know what, since you are taking care of it so easily I will show myself out." 

With this he was gone, slamming the door.

"I think he should be the one on meds and not me." I muttered to myself.

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