I need You

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Hi!!! It has been a long time so ..here it is!!

🚨warning!! Mentions of blood and some other stuff but very minor.


It has been 6 months since Queen Taehyung disappeared. To say that King Jungkook is a mess is surely an understatement. He is lost.

He tried everything to find Taehyung back .
He searched every crook of all the villages.
He searched all the big cities and small cities in hope that he will one day has his Queen here with him back.
But, nope. Taehyung is nowhere to be found and Jungkook doesnt know where else should he go to find Taehyung.
Is he even alive?

He cant live knowing Taehyung isnt in this world anymore.
He didnt even told him that he loves him. He always did, but he is too stubborn to admit that the man with boxy smile and starry eyes had captured his heart. When they first met, he already falls for the man. But, He felt guilty toward Jimin as he cant make Jimin as his Queen, so he started to push Taehyung away in order not to hurt Jimin. He loves them both . Still is.

He miss Taehyung.
He miss his smile.
He miss his eyes. Oh God those eyes.
He miss those pink plump lips.
He miss everything about him.
He miss Taehyung more everyday.

Namjoon and Seokjin also helps him to find Taehyung. Seokjin still angry at Jungkook for what he did and refuse to meet Jungkook outside palace matter. But Jungkook cant blame Seokjin . Je deserves this.

Jimin also told him what exactly happens that day. That day that he last saw Taehyung. He was angry at Jimin, but they are okay now as Jimin promise to never do that again and helps him search for Taehyung .

Jungkook knows Taehyung is still alive.
He can feel it.( that's just his hope talking)

So he isnt going to give up.


Today is the day King Jungkook suppose to be in searching team. Every week he and a few trusted men will travels around the country to find Queen Taehyung.

So as usual, he will climb into his horse and proceed to the planned village. He is nearing the destination when he see it.

The kite.

It remembered him to Taehyung.
The kite is so Taehyung-like.
A vibrant colour with a weird elephant shape.
One that he remembers Taehyung once told him that he would like to have and make it fly.
Seeing that makes his heart swell with hope.
Just maybe, maybe this is Taehyung. The one that is now flying the kite.
He rushes into the villages in search for the man that flying the kite.
It is the end of the village but he cant seem to find Taehyung or the man that flying the kite that he hopes is Taehyung. His Taehyung. His Queen.
He grows impatient.
He growls and howl the horse to make it run faster .
And then , there . At the end of village , near the river , stand two men .

One man is flying the kite.
Another one just looking at another man.

Approaching,  he now can see the face that he so want to see right now.


He cant believe this.
There is Taehyung. Smiling happily at the kite and at the man that is watching him , he knows the man. He is Yoongi, his royal Guard.

He climbs down from the horse and run towards both of them who never seem to notice him approaching them.

He then rushes forward and backhug Taehyung whose back now facing him as he leads the kite away . He can feel Taehyung stiffens in his embrace and sees Yoongi's shocked face.

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