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I fall to my knees as the memory takes all my strength from me. The whole team stops and turns to stare. Digger drops to his knees with his arms around my shoulders in attempts to help me up but I violently shake him off, trying to get my balance. I lean away from him and fall down as my ankles spasm once again. Flag jogs over to see what the hold up is and again attempts to offer a helping hand:

"DO NOT!" I roar in their faces, the animal-like purr coming through in the dulcet tones, vibrating off the tall building and echoing through each of the alleys. "Do not lay your hands on me." My voice breaks slightly as I complete my warning, as the memory flashes painfully through my dark mind again. I shake my head violently, trying to expel the thoughts and haul myself up to my feet. Flag steps away but Boomerang keeps his hands hovering over my arms briefly until I'm steady.

"I'm fine." I mumble to everyone. "It's the drugs wearing off." I stride away from the two men and their concern and am soon followed by the platoon, though all keep a weary distance after my outburst. It's not long until I hear the clip-clop of high heeled sneakers and Harley lollops over my shoulder.

"Hey Sis, what kind of drugs they put you on? They look FUN!"

"They're not. They prevent me from being able to do what I should be able to do. Make me feel like my blood is full of concrete."

"Jee sugar, that sounds like some heavy duty shit!" She chides, "They don't lock away pussy cats, they lock away tigers, so what is it you do? Must be something real special."

"I don't doubt you'll find out before the day is up."

Harley groans sarcastically and skips away to Flag and I strain my ears and listen intently.

"What is she? Is she a meta-human? What can she do? Did she do something bad?" Flag raises his hand and wafts her away like a fly, shaking his head and grimacing like he has a headache.

"My God, lady. If I tell you will you leave me the Hell alone?" She nods enthusiastically and grins like a spoiled child. "I don't know specifics, but she was some kind of biological experiment. Some extreme stress to trigger an enhancement, or something. Does everything a human can, just better, faster and stronger."

Harley whips around to stare at me with her mouth wide open; "That's awesome!" Everyone looks at her quizzically; "She like some kind of Superman, just less hunky.." I can't help but chuckle. "And she laughs! She ain't dead inside!" I just continue to shake my head and smile. I've certainly never heard my abilities explained to me that way and I can't say I don't appreciate it.

After everything becomes a little more silent, I stride forward to Flag with my head hung. He turns his head to look at me but says nothing.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I just get a bit... touchy." I state flatly.

"Don't worry. I get it." I open my mouth, to elaborate but feel my ears twinge as I sense movement ahead. I throw my arm across Flag's chest and lay my finger to my lips. On contact, all the soldiers raise their guns to me but I concentrate on the commotion. Flag raises his fist to tell the platoon to halt and lower their weapons and looks at me intently, clearly catching on. I look up at him, curling my lips in a snarl;

"Movement ahead, not friendlies." Flag drops to his haunches and signals for the platoon to do the same, I edge back to my team, letting a low growl roll over my tongue. Flag begins to contact Waller on his coms system, all the while I hear them coming closer. They do not smell or sound like men, they click and stumble like fools but they move fast and with purpose. I turn my head and hush; "Be ready, we're not getting out of this one easy."

"I like these odds mate!" Digger jests with confidence and a sly smirk, receiving nods from the rest of the team, they all begin to edge forward preparing to make a stand.

"Hold that thought.." Deadshot freezes in place with a look of bewilderment and signals for the team to stop. He edges towards Flag; "Rick, why do they look like that?"

"Stay cool." He orders. "You cut and run and I'll blow your head off." He raises his hand and gestures forward with a cry; "Hit 'em!" The platoon rush forward, bullets flying at all angles and flashes of light flare from every gun. The team throw themselves into the fray, as Diablo and I stay behind, exchanging panicked stares.

"FLAG!" One of the soldiers cry. I peer over a car and see a group of non-human creatures dragging Flag and beating him but Harley begins to battle her way towards him with ease. I scan the active battlefield with wide eyes as soldier after soldier fall, limp, to the cold tarmac. I throw myself back and crouch on the road, I breathe heavy and fast, my lungs begin to burn with the acrid scent of blood and gunpowder. I close my eyes as the bombardment of blood-curdling screams and deafening burst of gunfire increases and begins to cause an agonizing pressure behind my eyes that I can't hold it any longer!

I fall to my knees, holding my ears and scrunching my eyes. Until finally I release, my mouth hangs wide as I bare my teeth. I scream, releasing the burning strain on my lungs, sending the car in front of me soaring through the air, eliminating a group of creatures. I dig my nails into my forehead and score down the length of my face, as the screaming continues. My dark hair floats around my face as grey runs from my roots to the end like dripping mercury. My eyes fly open and flash brighter than polished silver, radiating like cold beacons across the battlefield. The soldiers and Task Force X all fall to the ground, cupping their ears. The heads of the creatures begin to quiver and throb, and finally implode, falling to the ground in little black shards.

It all begins to fade away as I hear another line of enemies coming this way. As I lay on my side, feeling my consciousness ebb. I see Deadshot mounted on a car in front of me, discharging round after round of perfect shots and I let my vision cease.

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