Chapter 1

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// Picture of Danny :D\\


"Senior Year Bitches!!"

I laugh to myself as I shove the books I don't need into my locker. Turning around I lock eyes with Danny, her red curly hair bouncing with every jump.

"Welcome to the year of unforgettable parties, and mindless sex"

I roll my eyes as she leans her thin body against the locker beside mine

"Just assuming you'll get invited to a party show how highly you think about yourself"

She pushes off the locker and fixes her hair in the mirror I have hanging from the locker door

"That's where the mindless sex comes into play"

She pats one finger on her glossy lips

"They get sex in exchange for a free ride to all the ragers, you should be thanking me"

She looks up from the mirror to give me a wink, I roll my eyes and slam my locker door shut

"Sorry Danny but no parties for me this year, moms already on my case about keeping my grades up, plus I have to write my valedictorian speech for graduation"

"Oh fuck off Arlo senior year just began, you have all year to write that"

"Ya and I need all year"

She begins to pout, crossing her arms under her chest and mocking me, I ignore her attempt to anger me and focus on finding my first period class

"What's wrong with Danny?"

I turn to see Mel and Jace walking towards us with there arms linked. Mel's jet black hair was pulled back into a messy bun and her bright green eyes shifted between Danny and I. Before I could say anything Jace decides to put his two cents in.

"The lack of intelligence"

She gives him a death glare and he returns it by giving her a big smile before wrapping his arms around her small waist. Mel stares at me still wanting an answer to her question

"Danny's upset I won't go to any of the stupid parties this year"

"And why wouldn't you"

Jace asks pulling his attention to me

"I have shit to do guys!"

"All year?" Mel adds

I lift my brows and nod my head, as annoying as they are I love them way to much.

"Well that sucks because Trent Pru is having a celebratory get together this Saturday" Mel nudges my arm

"Celebratory get together?" I chuckle softly

"Trent thinks that calling it a celebratory get together will keep teachers off his back" Mel answers in a matter of fact way, I nodd my head in in agreement

"Still not going" I add

"Are you mad! This is Trent Pru we are talking about, the same guy that you've had a crush on since sophomore year!"

Danny jumps in front of me, making me stop in my path, she keeps blabbing on but my mind zones out when I see Trent strutting his way over to us, his eyes where locked on mine and a small smile crept over his face, his blonde hair flew in the wind with every step, it was as if he was in slow motion, I tightened my grip on my books pulling them closer to my chest, and not because I was nervous but because I saw his eyes wander. By the time he made it to us Danny has stopped jumping and watched him with widened eyes.

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