Chapter 4

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//Above is a picture of Grayson...Yummy :P lol I hope you guys enjoy\\
     "What did they get you for? Cheating? Skipping a class?"

I walked back into the gym after I stopped by the nurses office to get some Advil. Danny looked up at me from the gym floor. She was stretching to touch her toes, while Mel and Jace did jumping jacks beside her.

"Nah, asking how my classes were going"

I joined her on the floor and mimicked her stretches. My hair was pulled into a tight pony tail and it didn't help with the headache I was trying to get rid of. And neither did Jace and Danny's bickering. Jace started going off about how stretching doesn't count as working out, before I knew it they were in each other's faces glaring.

"Will you two stop! Holy shit! All you do is bicker! Just fucking kiss and get it over with"

I looked up to my three friends who all stared at me with wide eyes. Danny's cheeks turn bright red and she shifted on her feet uncomfortably

"What's that suppose to mean A!" Her cheek were no longer the only thing bright red, now it was her entire face, as if she was holding her breath.

"Doesn't matter, I'm sorry. I'm a little out of it right now" I stood up from the gym floor

"Why what's going on?" Mel pushed past Jace and Danny who stood there with their arms crossed under their chests.

"I dumped into Grayson on the way back" I shifted my eyes away, not wanting to see the sympathetic looks I know they will give me

"You did! Didn't he look fucking sexy!" I looked back at Danny who's face was no longer bright red.

"Danny!" Mel warned, and Danny backed away "what did he say to you?"

"He didn't say anything. He just looked at me"

"Do you think he recognized you? I mean you do look a lot different from freshman year"

"Of course he recognizes her Jace! Are you stupid!" Danny didn't bother looking at Jace because she knew he was glaring. "Did you say anything to him?"

I shook my head "I couldn't, and if I did what would I say?"

"Hi for starters" Danny raised a brow

"Ya hi! Remember me? The girl you left behind without a single word" I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the gym floor.

"He has to have a reason why he left Arlo. And he left behind all of us, not just you" I looked up to see Mel standing over me.

"Ya but you weren't fucking him Mel!" Danny defended me

"Neither was she!" Mel shot back, the room filled with tension "what I'm saying is that we all missed him, and whether we like it or not he's back in our lives, so we can either pout about it for the rest of senior year or go to him and ask him why the fuck he left!"

"We were pretty tight" Jace adds

I felt my stomach twist and turn. Mel was right, I can't just pout about it all day every day, I need to know why he left. It might hurt even more to know but this is something I've thought about for years. When he first left I tried convincing myself that maybe he went camping with his family and forgot to tell me, or that maybe I forgot he told me. It wasn't until a whole year passed when I realized he was really gone. I tried calling him everyday and I swear he answered one time. He didn't say anything but I knew he was there. I cried and cursed at him for leaving, telling him he was a coward and that I was glad he left. It was all a lie but at the time my heart was breaking into little pieces and that formed into an overwhelming anger towards him. That night I stayed up crying into my pillow, my mom heard me and called for reinforcements. Which in this case was Mel, Jace and Danny, they came over and cried with me through the night. After that things started to get better, I started to focus a lot of my grades and soon enough Grayson was just a memory. But now he backs and I'm ready to know why he left.

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