chapter 2

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Hayley's POV

I slowly wake up hurting from the bruises Mrs. Red gave me last night, 'time to start the daily torture of cleaning the entire house.'
I think before standing up, getting dressed (outfit above) and starting the chores. I first make Mrs. Red breakfast, I then go on to cleaning thee living room, followed by the the kitchen, the bathroom, and the bedrooms. Soon I'm finished cleaning and I notice that Mrs. Red has already left to go to work so I quickly make myself a sandwich, once I've finished my sandwich I clean Mrs. Red and i's plate's. 'I can finally draw in peace.' I think to myself once I've finished with that. By the next hour I've drawn 3 pictures. A cat, a boy with a lightning scar and a beautiful castle. I have no idea where this came from but it feels like all these pictures are real, well I mean the cat would be real, but the other 2 pictures couldn't be real, so where did they come from??? After another 4 hours Mrs. Red is home and I can already tell that she's fuming so I quickly hide the pictures, and prepare myself for the beating that's about to come.

  Once again sorry for the short chapter and I know nothing harry potter related is happening yet but it will happen soon I promise. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm working on the next as soon as I finish this chapter. Bye!!!☺☺☺💜💜💜

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