Chapter 2

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Grounded; they grounded me for two months. I was used to this punishment, they never understood why I acted out like I did. Why I was becoming this person that didn't comply to their rules. The person who hated her life.

School offered me some sort of release, not much though. I was still the fucking outcast there too. I didn't want to follow the societal expectations and become the model or actress that ninety percent of the school population wanted to be. I on the other hand did not know what I wanted to be when I left the hell hole that was high school.

"Well if it isn't Emily Tanner." Megan one of the usual popular girls who wanted to make my life hell said, "Where'd you go at your Uncles party? Clarissa said that you just up and left."

I kept my mouth shut.

"The girl doesn't speak." Anna, her friend said.

"Sup Freak." Clarissa said

I hated it. If I opened my mouth word would get back to my parent, if I didn't they would just make jokes about me. I was in another catch twenty two situation, like my whole life recently.

"Missed you at the party, things got interesting after you left." Clarissa said

"Sure they did." I said sarcastically

"There's a new band that Daddy's signing." She boasted

"Wow." I said knowing full well which one she was on about

"They're from England. Very attractive." Megan said

My response was cut off.

"I see we meet again." Dylan said two minutes later directly behind her, addressing me only, "Emily Tanner."

"Hi Dylan." Clarissa said turning around

"Hi." He replied, barely glancing at her.

"Wait how do you know Emily? She'd left before you were introduced to us." Clarissa stated

"Well Emily and I had already met." He said

"When?" Anna asked

About two hours before you Clarissa, was what I wanted to say, but what I actually said was, "Not long before you."

Dylan laughed, "How could you forget in town, two days ago." He lied for me, covering up that we had actually met a few hours before they had been formally introduced to all the family. He had no idea what he was doing.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot. At the music store." I said joining in with the lie.
"Yeah thanks for the recommendation by the way." He said, I guess I must have looked a little puzzled because he then said, "All Time Low."

"Oh, sorry I suggested a couple of bands; I couldn't remember which one you'd actually chosen."

I could see Clarissa becoming more and more agitated; she always called dibs on all the new artists. She had never been rejected on this scale before, but then again she had never really gotten anywhere with any of the other artists that were signed to TMI as they were all at least twenty two; not eighteen.

"Thanks for the cover." I said as we walked away.

"You looked like you needed saving." He said

"You didn't have to do that." I said before I smiled at him

He frowned a little, "Sure I did."

"You do realise that was your boss' daughter right?" I asked

"Sure. She tried to talk to me, Ethan, Mitchell and Toby into going to an after party somewhere, but we'd already rejected her once."

I laughed, "Now I wish I would have stayed to see the look on her face when you rejected her."

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