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{English, French }

>>Sakura P.O.V<<
"So.. This is what you want her to look like? Impressive, She looks like me but with her two different eye color." Karma said looking at me playing with my new style hair.

"Yep, She looks so cute!" Nagisa said looking at me from afar, I chuckle and summon a small smile, he blushes and looks away I look at Karma and see him smirk and so do I

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"Yep, She looks so cute!" Nagisa said looking at me from afar, I chuckle and summon a small smile, he blushes and looks away I look at Karma and see him smirk and so do I.

I walked over to Nagisa and put a finger under his chin and went close to his face "What did you say 'I looked cute'?" I asked him making him look at me, he nodded his head.

I smirked and went closer his blush went darker, he could practically feel my cold breath on his cheek, and I kissed the corner of his lips.

His face went dark red, and his eyes widened "S-S-S-S-Sakura!!!" He yelled I smirked and so did Karma 

"Aww, Nagisa you look like a fan girl!" Karma chuckled ruffling mine and his hair, He blushed a little but he sighed.

"We should get some sleep, We need to go to that school tomorrow." Nagisa said yawing.

"Yea, come on sis." Karma said picking me bridal style, I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"Come on Nagisa, don't just stand there like an Idiot." I said closing my eyes, He shook his head and ran to the stair case.

"Doesn't he know we have an elevator?" I asked Karma he sighed and walked to the elevator.

"I don't think so..." He said he looked down on me.

>>Time Skip<<

When we reached our room we found our wolf Dog, Crimson sleeping at the bottom of the bed, sleeping

"What do you think that school will be like, the other one we went to with Koro-Sensei?" I asked my older bother, He shrugged and set me on the bed, taking my top and trousers off.

"Being truthful, I thinks full of Rich snobs, But I feel like we are going to be forced to join this Club..." He said taking the rest of my clothes.

"Oh.. What kinda Club are you talking about?" I asked lying down pulling the covers over me, Snuggling with Crimson.

"Do'not know" he said Taking his cloths off and getting on the other side of the bed. wrapping his arms around me and Crimson, Snuggling into Crimson.

>>>Time Skip<<<

I woke up at the sound of snoring,I sat up and looked around, I was on the bed and Karma was on the Floor, Crimson was sleeping near the closed door, I looked at my clock and saw it was 7:00 AM, sighing again I got up.

I walked over to my door and opened it and let Crimson out, I walked over to the wardrobe and got out my school uniform, I walked into the bathroom and got dressed, I grabbed the bucket from under the sink and filled it with water.

I walked back into our bedroom with the bucket of water, I looked at the clock and it read 7:30 AM I smirked and looked at the door to see Nagisa looking at me with wide eyes, I smirked again and walked over to my brother.

I dropped the water all over him "AHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE HECK!?" He yelled I dropped the bucket and fell to the floor laughing my Ass off, I looked at my brother and Laughed again, He got up and smirked, My laughing stopped as I stood up really fast trying my best to leave the room,

"HAHAHA I'M SO SORRY! IT WAS SO TEMPTING"  I yelled as I ran out the room, grabbing Nagisa's arm while i'm at it "Come on!! You don't need to be with a mad Karma because it will end in a bad fate, SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!" I yelled

While I was being chased by Karma I didn't notice the clock, until Nagisa shouted "HEY THE LIMO IS HERE!!" We froze and looked at the clock, Karma gasped and ran up stair's and then ran back down stair's with his uniform on

I smiled and called Crimson and we went into the Limo, About 1 hour later we were in front of a pink school I looked at it and grabbed my scarf wrapping it around my neck I also grabbed my eye patch and wrapped it around my gold eye, I grabbed Karma's hand and grabbed the dog lead for Crimson.

"Why the hell is the school pink?" Me and Karma said in Unison we sighed together and got out the limo with Nagisa and Crimson, We walked to the office but we heard people talking about us saying that were 'cute' and we should be in the 'Host Club' 

I looked at Karma and said "Qu'est-ce que tu penses? Est-ce le Club que vous pensiez?" He looked at me and smirked I smiled and looked at Nagisa who was looking at me and Karma like we were crazy.

"Je ne sais pas Peut-être" He replied I sighed and looked at the front, We walked over to the lady at the office and she was trying to be seductive at me and Karma, we looked at each other and smirked.

"Can we have our time table?~" We said seductively Karma lifting her chin and me cupping her face with my hand, She giggled and pushed her breasts outwards.

"Of course~ But is there anything else you want?~" She said looked at me and Karma, She gave us our time tables, Karma went to her right ear, while I went to her left

Then we said "Yes, their is one thing you can do for us, Cover you're fucking breasts, you shouldn't hit on student's~" We chuckled at the end of our sentence.

Me and Karma walked over to Nagisa, and I gave Nagisa his time table, "So what class have you got Nagisa?" We said in unison, Looking at our time tables.

"Wow, this school works differently from our old one, I'm in 1-A, what are you guys in?" He replied/Asked. We smirked and looked at each other and our smirk went larger. "Why are you smirking?" Nagisa said sweet-dropping.

We sighed and said "We're in 2-A, So see ya at break, K?" And with that we walked to class, leaving Nagisa standing therewith his jaw dropped to the floor.

"HOW ARE THEY IN THAT CLASS WERE THE SAME AGE!?!" He yelled, We smirked and turned around and said in Unison "We're smarter! Remember!" And walked to class.
Qu'est-ce que tu penses? Est-ce le Club que vous pensiez?=
 What do you think? Is the club that you think?

Je ne sais pas Peut-être =
I do not know, Maybe. 

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