The Predate

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Mikael's P.O.V

     The time seamed to go by extra slow today this meeting I was in seem to never end. Maybe it was because I was nervous I had finally build up the courage to ask out the cute baker and he said yes and after what seemed like a thousand years we was finally going out.

----------------------------------------- 3 Hours later---------------------------

It is almost 8'oclock and I cant wait I am going to take him to a coffee shop around the corner from my house maybe we will hit it off I hope he likes me. I hope I don't make a fool of myself I really like him if all things work out I might not be alone anymore I just really hopes he likes me.

Michael's P.O.V

As I drive down the street to my house I start to think that going on this date might not be such a good idea. I mean my mom is sick and I need to be home to take care of her what happens If I go out and she needs me and I'm not there then what. No I'm not going I will text him as soon as I get in the house and tell him I cant go.

------------------------------------10 minutes later-----------------------------

As I pull in to the driveway I reach for my phone and I scroll threw my contacts and then it hits me I didn't get Mikael's phone number. Now what maybe this is a sign that I should go out with him at least once IDK I will decide after I check on my mom I guess.

MA! MA! I'm home I yelled waiting for a response I didn't hear anything coming from her room so I thought she must have been asleep so I jumped in the shower. After my shower I went to check on my mom again and she was still sleep I went to wake her up. "MA! MA! WAKE UP MA!" She rolled over and said "Why are you screaming can't you see I am trying to sleep." You didn't answer me I thought something was wrong" "what you thought I was dead you aren't getting rid of me that easily" she said. What is so important that brought you home in the middle of the day?" she asked as she took her medicine. "Well you remember that guy I was telling you about" I said trying to figure out how to tell her. " The Lawyer?" she asked "Yes well um he asked me out for coffee tonight and I said yes." That's wonderful!" she said with excitement "you deserve some time for yourself. and plus I'm tired of you smothering me like I'm not a 55 year old women its about time you got a boyfriend or atleast have sex." "MOM" I said feeling disgusted. "WHAT one of us might as well and it damn sure won't be me in my condition now go get changed and get out of here I will be fine I will call the night nurse." she said pushing me off the bed. "Ok I'm going goodnight." I said blowing her a kiss. "goodnight have fun." she said as I closed her door. Now I have to figure out what to wear.

I know this was a long boring chapter but it will all be worth it I threw this together because my friend kept texting me talking about his brothers cousin is asking for another chapter this one is for you Tai'Chae ;) ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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