Perfect Date {au}

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Niall Horan was friends with Louis Tomlinson, a new and famous footballer. They met one day when they were teenagers, and Louis kicked the ball towards Niall, almost hitting the poor Irish fellow. Since then, the two boys, ahem, men were the best of friends. Meeting a few new people along the way. Liam Payne was an upcoming singer, who currently played around London, and half of Britain. Zayn Malik was a potential model – potential meaning he doesn’t want to, but he has millions of offers.

“What?” I yelled, possibly hurting the guy’s ears, since they quickly covered them. “You’re telling me that you got me a date with the hottest pop star?” I yelled, pointing towards Louis.

“Yes, I met him last weekend. We have been talking since then. I thought that he would be a perfect match for you.” Louis said. “He agreed, well, after I showed him a picture of you. He said, and I quote, he is cute and has beautiful eyes.” Louis said.

“Oh, wow. The hottest and one of the biggest, pop stars thinks I’m cute. Wow. Wait… What… You showed him my picture. Louis!” I said, smacking Louis’ arm, slightly angrily.

“Yeah, what’s the problem with that?” Louis asked.

“Since when did you have pictures of me on your phone?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I found one of the two of us.” Louis said. “It’s almost a year old, so you still had your braces in it.”

“Oh great, now he thinks I have braces.” I muttered. I licked my teeth, “Yeah, I definitely don’t have braces.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Sorry mate.” Louis said, putting his hands in a type of defense.


That weekend, I was going on my date with Harry. Technically, I was only going to Harry’s place. He didn’t want to go out, since the weekend was the only time he ever had time off.

“Nice place.” I commented, after Harry opened to door. “It’s nice a simple. It’s almost…calming.” I said, with Harry behind me, closing the front door.

“I wanted something normal. So mum decorated my house, similar to my home back in Cheshire.” Harry said. “Do you want to help cook? I was just about to start.” Harry said.

“Sure. What are we having?” I asked, while taking my coat off.

“Here, I’ll take that from you.” Harry said grabbing my coat. “We’re having something simple, spaghetti.” Harry said, guiding me towards the kitchen.

“Yum, sounds good.” I said, rubbing my tummy to add effect.

“Good, now come help me.” Harry said, getting started on preparing the spaghetti.

“Sure thing, cook.” I said, saluting Harry jokingly.


After the two of us ate spaghetti, we decided to watch a movie.

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