Going Scarf Shopping ~ Isaac Lahey

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A/N Here's an Isaac Lahey imagine. Hope you like it

Y/N's Pov

Isaac called me and told me that we were going shopping to get him new scarves (A/N Isaac and his fucking scarves.) I went up to my room and put on my outfit.

I walked downstairs, out the door, to my car

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I walked downstairs, out the door, to my car. I got in my car and drove to Scott's house to pick up Isaac.

I pulled up to Scott's house and got out my car. I walked onto the porch and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Scott opened the door. "Isaac is upstairs." He said. I walked in and said,"Thank you, Scott."

I walked upstairs, to Isaac's room and knocked on his room door. "Come in." Isaac said, faintly. I walked through the door and asked,"Are you ready to go?" "Yeah let's go." He said, standing up from his bed.

We walked downstairs, out the front door, to my car. We got in my car and drove to the mall (A/N let's pretend there's a mall in Beacon Hills.)

We arrived at the mall and went inside the mall. Isaac dragged me to a random store and immediately saw the scarves.

Isaac ran over to the scarves, dragging me with him, giggling.

Isaac started looking through the scarves, putting them on and making me see if it looks good on him. I mean, they all do.

"Should I get this one?" Isaac asked, wearing a black wool scarf. I smiled and said,"Yes, Isaac."

He took the scarf off and held it, looking for another scarf. He grabbed a white one and said,"I want this one, too." "Well get it if you want it." I said. He smiled and said,"Okay."

We walked to the cashier and Isaac paid for his scarves. We walked out the store and the mall and got into my car.

Isaac asked,"Can I stay the night at your place?" "Sure. We could order pizza and watch some movies." I said, smiling. Isaac smiled back and said,"Okay."

I started my car and drove to my house.

We arrived at my house and we got out of my car and went in my house. Isaac walked over to the couch and laid down. "Come lay down with me." Isaac said with his arms wide open.

I smiled and laid down on top of him and he wrapped his arms around me. I put my head in his chest and started listening closely to his heartbeat. I heard it skip a couple beats.

I asked,"Why is your heart skipping beats?" "Because I love you more than a friend." He confessed. I smiled and lifted my head off his chest and kissed him. He smiled in the kiss and kissed me back. I pulled away and said,"I love you, too, Isaac Lahey. More than a friend."

He smiled even bigger and kissed me. He asked,"Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Isaac Lahey." I said, smiling.

"Can we cuddle instead of watching movies?" I asked, looking at Isaac. He kissed my forehead and said,"Of course." I smiled and put my head over his heart and continued to listen to his heartbeat as he rubbed up and down my back.

After a few minutes I got tired and closed my eyes, listening to Isaac's steady heartbeat.

A/N Hey guys I'm sorry this was terrible, but requests are still open if you want one.

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