Liam's Little Sister ~ Brett Talbot

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Y/n's Pov

I walked downstairs with my lacrosse stick and saw that Liam wasn't down here. "Liam, hurry up! We have to go before we're late!" I yelled.

"I'm coming Y/n, jeez." Liam said, coming downstairs with his lacrosse stick.

We both walked out the door and went to my car and I drove to the school.

Liam and I went our separate ways.

I walked in the girls' locker room and changed into my lacrosse uniform and walked out, to the field with Kira.

Kira and I looked at the bleachers and saw Lydia, Malia, Liam's girlfriend Mac, Scott's girlfriend Savannah, and Allison and saw them looking and waving at us. We smiled and waved back.

My lacrosse jersey was #25. I put on my helmet and saw that Liam's jaw was clenched. I looked at what he was glaring at and saw that he was glaring at the one and only Brett Talbot.

I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. "Liam. Don't worry about him and just focus on the game." I said, looking at him. He nodded and said,"Okay. Okay, I got this. If I just focus on the game and not Brett."

I put my stick down and while I was putting on my gloves, Brett came over and said,"I don't even know why your team is competing against us, Dunbar. Your team sucks."

Liam looked at me and I shook my head no. "Don't do anything." I whispered, knowing he could hear me. He nodded and looked at Brett and said,"Let's just see how this goes."

Brett smirked and said,"My team's going to win, Dunbar." Brett walked away to his team as I picked up my stick and Liam and I walked to to the team.

Coach said,"Okay guys, I don't care what you do, but win the game for Beacon Hills High." We all cheered and Stiles, Isaac and I sat down on the bench while Scott, Liam, and Kira got in their position.

The whistle was blown and the game started.

Liam was making it to the goal until Brett came and knocked him down. I gasped and ran over on the field to Liam and asked,"Liam! Liam! Are you okay!?" "Yeah, Y/n I'm okay." he said.

"Well your arm doesn't look like it." I said, looking at it. He looked at it and said,"It'll heal."

Brett came over and said,"Awe, did little Liam hurt his arm?" I stood up and said,"Shut the fuck up, Talbot!"

Brett said,"Oh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do about it, Dunbar? Huh? What are you gonna do about it?"

I was about to answer, but Mac came running towards us and asked,"Is Liam okay!?" "Yeah, he is, but you can ride with him to the hospital when the ambulance come. I'm gonna win the game for us." I said. Then Hayden came over here and said,"Oh my gosh, is Liam okay!?"

I put my middle and index fingers on my temples and rubbed them. "Hayden, I swear if you don't get the fuck away from us, I'm gonna end up having I.E.D worse than Liam!" I said, clearly annoyed. She rolled her eyes and said,"I'm not going anywhere." She crossed her arms over her chest (A/n What chest?).

I sighed and said,"I swear it's like trying to get rid of a rat, but just a human sized one." I said. Hayden gasped and said,"I am not a rat!" "Get the fuck out of my face! We have a game to play, so just go back to the bleachers before you get hit with the ball."

Hayden glared at me and said,"I will have your brother break up with his girlfriend one day. And then he'll be mine." Then she turned away and walked to the bleachers. I said,"Psychotic ass mother fucker."

Mac laughed and said,"Okay, Y/n. The ambulance is here so I'm gonna go with Liam to the hospital." I nodded and said,"Okay, I'm gonna win the game for us."

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