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the girl in the leather jacket
[ one ]
" i feel the heat with you staring off across the room "

the smell of perfume and teenage perspiration clogs her nose, making it hard for her the breath

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the smell of perfume and teenage perspiration clogs her nose, making it hard for her the breath. it didn't help that all the bodies in the small room were packed so tightly together. she tried desperately to make it back to her corner, where she planned to stay until the dance was over.

her only three friends have left her to flirt with boys. which, she oblivious had no interest in. her friend's betrayal had left her no choice but to retreat back into a corner, and wait for their return.

stumbling through the sweaty mess of adolescents, she caught sight of a girl. the girl was wearing a thick leather jacket and, hunched over the snack table stuffing a plate of cookies into her face. She fought back a laugh looking at the girl. You have to admire these girls priorities thought...

brooklyn stood up on her tip-toes to get a better look at the girl. she was curious to see who the girl was dressed up as. after all, this was a halloween party. she proved too short and had to move closer to see.

the crowd was so thick, she felt claustrophobic trying to make her way through it. an obnoxiously drunk girl hit her in the face with her oversized bejeweled fairy wings. brooklyn quickly moved passed the scandaly clad 'fairy' doing some erotic dance on her boyfriend. she finally reached the girl and moved over to tap her on the back of her worn leather jacket.

the girl quickly spun around, and much to her dismay, spit cookies crumbs in her face. she casually wiped them off her face, with a grimace.

"shít, sorry. i just love me some cookies," the girl said with a casual smirk. finally, up close she could see the girls outfit. she wore a leather jacket with a red flannel and blue jeans. strong brown leather boots covered her feet. hanging around her neck has an amulet with a weirdly shaped head on it.

brooklyn let out a little chuckle and realized what the girl was dressed up as. "dean winchester? nice to met you, i'm katniss everdeen." she extended her hand out for the girl to shake. the girl firmly took her hand and gave a strong handshake. strong calluses graced her hands, probably from working with tools. she guessed some type of motor shop, after all, the girl had an oily smell ingrained into her skin.

"oh," she laughed looking over brooklyn's outfit. "i wasn't aware we were dressing up as weak and bítchy characters? did i miss the memo?" the confident girl challenged. she placed a hand on her hip and smirked, once again.

brooklyn was taken aback my her statement. there was drama between fandoms, of course. but, in the 'real' world? the girl had another thing coming if she thought dean winchester, out of all the characters in the world, was a perfect angel.

"at least my character can admit her feelings towards someone. how long has your precious dean been chasing around that angle in the dirty trench coat? castiel, right?" brooklyn snorted, feeling a sudden burst of confidence. it was absolutely infuriating to her that the girl seemed uninfected by her comment, and only laughed and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"first off, destiel is a thing." she said stepping closer to her. "and, dean winchester is such a badass though!" the girl said failing her arms in a dramatic way.

"so is katniss! have you seen her bow and arrow?!" brooklyn said, raising her voice against the powerful music in the background. her cheeks turned red as she realized how whiny she sounded. after all, she really wasn't one to have banter with people. 

much to her surprise, the girl let out a loud laugh. she went down her knees clutching her stomach. she drew attention to herself, but she didn't seem to have a care in the world and continued her laughing fit. brooklyn stood there awkwardly wondering what this girl was thinking.

"come on," she said pulling brooklyn into the cluttered dance floor. some popular song with a catchy beat drummed in her ears, making it hard for her to focus on the girl pulling her through the crowd. oddly enough, she felt her worries wash away while the girl pulled her deeper and deeper into the crowd. she felt safe; like nothing bad can come while she was in the hands of this girl.

the girl spun her around as they found their own little place in the midst of the chaos surrounding them. brooklyn eagerly raised her hands up and swayed to the bass of the song playing. the girl mimicked her moves and grinned widely, something that brooklyn couldn't quite put her finger on gleaming in the girls eyes.

"ladies and gentleman!" the dj yelled into the mic getting everyone's attention. brooklyn and the girl stopped and faced the stage still grinning at each other. "here's the last song of the night, enjoy!" a more slow song flowed through the speaker.

brooklyn looked around the rooms at all the couples now slow dancing to the slow song. she grinned at the site and laughed at how awkward half the people looked. without her knowing, the girl beside her started at her in awe. she admired the way the girl's cheekbones were placed so high up on her face, so when she grinned they rose up even higher on her warm face.

brooklyn noticed her looking at her. she quickly turned to her out of sheer confusion. "what? is there something on my face?" she quickly said, scratching at her skin.

" there's nothing. i promise," she said slowly taking her hand from her face. she held her hand there for a few moments, then let go with a breathy laugh. "come on, we have to dance. it's the last song of the night." she grinned. she angled them so they were across from each other once again.

they both started swaying lightly to the beat, only sparring awkward glances at each other through hooded eyes. brooklyn gingerly placed a hand on the girls and did more of a traditional slow dance.

the other girl took this as an opportunity to carefully spin the girl around. brooklyn less than gracefully spun around in a small circle. both girls laughed quietly at their failed attempt.

they continued the same dance until the song was over. when the song ended, the whole room erupted in applause and people started to exit the school's cafeteria.

"thank you for this dance, it was wonderful, really. you're almost as classy as dean," she laughed and mock curtsy to the girl. the other girl returned to curtsy and laughed along with her.

"um, i should go now thought," she said shyly brushing her hair behind her ear. "see you tomorrow maybe? when do you have lunch?"

" the first period." she said mentally crossing her fingers she had the same as the girls.

"same, we should sit together...if it's okay with you!" brooklyn quickly blurted out at the end. "you probably have a lot of friends that want to sit with you."

"not really, but ya, sit with me tomorrow." the other girl spoke.

brooklyn shrugged on her jacket and checked her purse to make sure she had what she needed before leaving. she mentally prepared herself for the scolding she would get from her friends for not hanging out with them for the remainder of the dance. she quickly texted them an apology and headed for the door.

"hey wait!" the girl shouted making her way over to brooklyn. "i'm celeste by the way. here's my number, if you want to ever talk," she said as she scribbled on her arm with some black eyeliner. celeste looked up after she finished and celeste gave her one last of her signature smirks, and ran out the door after a boy, that judging from his looks, was her brother.

sorry for taking a million years
to update, i've had a lot
of school stuff to deal with.
hope you enjoyed this thought
- kay

( edited.
1381 words. )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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