Moving in

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The school grounds was swarming with teens trying to get to their first period class, with a slight buzz of the voices of them all. There were some that couldn't give a care about class at all, then there were some that had other things on their mind. Different cliques of kids socialized about the halls and outside of the school. Most of the kids were chatting to themselves, or in their groups, about random things. But there was a lot of chatter about the recent crimes that were happening around town. Unexplained breaking-in-and-enterings, items being stolen. Whoever was committing these crimes, they possibly knew what they were doing. They left large, animalistic-like carvings, or dents, in the walls or nearby objects. Not once has someone caught a glimpse of the person or people responsible of these crimes, but they were becoming slightly frequent. There was one sighting, if you wanna call it that, but the poor soul was injured so bad that they can't recall what they looked or sounded like. Nothing whatsoever.
The bell rang at Eastside High, alerting that first period was now beginning. Students of all species went there, mutants, humans, you name it.
As the everyone rushed to the classrooms, some less than others, they had no idea that a guest was arriving in New york. But this guest would be staying here, until she decided other wise, this was her home. The young girl looked around slightly as she got off the train car, stepping onto the platform. The loud whistle blew, signaling the train was going to move now. As the large transportation....thing....started to take off, it created a slightly breeze that moved the girls long dark brown hair with it. She pulled the backpack straps around her shoulder more, and moved to get her other bag from the drop off area. A larger group of people were already over by the area by the time she got there. 'Great.', she thought to herself, 'This is going to take forever.'
She managed to push her way through the crowd and grab a black bag before turning and walking out of the busy train station. "Well, this wasn't no grand central station, but it did its job." The girl said to herself, then shaking her head at herself. She silently scolded herself for talking to no one. She didn't need attention drawn to her, not now, not ever again.
Pulling a slip of paper out of her pocket, she looked over the information given to her and tried to find out where to go. A glare was sent down at the paper, like it was making the matters worse for her.
"Do you need help there?" A old, yet gentle voice sounded out next to her. Her eyes shifted to the old lady who was standing beside her. Her gaze held a kind, welcoming tone to them. She wore a white blouse with little pink flowers splattered on the fabric, and jacket that matched the pink of the flowers, blue pants with brown slip on shoes. She held a cane in her right hand, and a bag was set at her feet. Her graying hair was pulled back into a simple bun. "My name is Melody Hiro. But the kids call me Widow Mel or just Mel."
"My name is Luna, but people call me whatever name they can think of. I'm just looking for my apartment complex, but it seems that my friends don't know how to write down directions." The girl replied.
She handed the old woman the slip of paper when she held her hand out with a smile. Glancing over the worn paper, she smiled up at the young girl.
"This is where I live. Why don't you ride with me, and I'll help you along the way." Melody insisted. Luna nodded and bent down to take the little woman's bag into her hands, and helped the nice lady out. "Why, thank you young lady. Such a sweet girl. Is this your first time in New York?"
"Yes, I just moved here." Luna replied to the question, rather short but didn't go unnoticed by the old lady.
"I'm guessing something happened back home?"
"Yeah, you could say that." Luna replied with a bit of sadness in her voice as she helped Melody into the taxi car that she flagged down, and placed the bags into the trunk. She got into the back seat, with her hands folded into her lap.
"I see, well if you need help with anything, don't be afraid to ask me. I know moving to a new place is hard and confusing at times, so I'd be glad to help you." Melody replied after telling the driver where to go. Luna nodded with a soft smile.
"Thank you Mel, I really appreciate it."
"Of course dear. Now, may I ask what your plans are?" Mel asked as she looked out the window.
"I don't have any. Just thought about getting a job and living life out I guess." Luna replied with a shrug. There was a moment where no spoke and no one moved. A eerie feeling came about in the car.
"OW! What the hell?!" Luna said as she winced and rubbed her head. Her eyes widened and moved over to the old lady next to her, Melody had her cane raised, and a cold stare glaring through her eyes, stuck on Luna. You could almost see a bit of blood on the handle of the cane of death.
"What do you mean 'I don't have any idea?', Where were you raised ? A hole?" Mel asked with a scowl that could kill.
"Well I mean-"
"No young lady, you listen to grandma now. You can't live your life without finishing school, or knowing what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life. Make memories, laugh, actually live. Now, I'm not sure what happened back where you came from, but you can't let it keep you from doing the things you love, or moving on with life. Promise me that you will not let such a beautiful girl let everything slip away from her fingers?" Melody said as she lowered the deadly walking stick, and her scowl turned into a soft smile. Luna didn't know why, but it was clear that this little lady, who she met not even ten minutes ago, cared so much for her. She didn't know whether to be happy or kinda freaked out about it. Luna has seen that look Mel was giving her before, the one that said 'trust' and 'home'.
'She has the same look that....'
Should she trust Mel? Could she? All types of questions were running through the brown haired girl's head.
"Okay Melody, I promise to try to make a life worth living." Luna said as she stopped rubbing her head and smiled.
"Good. Ah, here we are. Home sweet home." Mel said as she looked out the window, at a large building. The young and old ladies stepped out of the vehicle and onto the curb. Luna went to the trunk and retrieved that bags belonging to them. She walked to the side and placed the bags by her feet, pulled out her wallet to pay the taxi man.
"Luna, dear, put that away. Ill pay the man." Luna heard Mel say. Before she could protest, Mel paid the man, and drove off as soon as the money was in his grasp.
"Mel, I could have done that." Luna said as she put the money back into her wallet, and into her pocket.
"Hush child, save your money for rent and such. God knows you're going to need it." Was Mel's reply.
'Is rent expensive?' Luna sweatdropped at the thought. She followed Mel into the building. It didn't look like a regular apartment complex, it kinda resembled an office building on the front. Inside it looked like a regular office for apartments. There was a mailbox section, an elevator, and stairs. To the right of the doors, a desk was sitting with a young dark haired boy in a red and black uniform.
"Hello Luis, this is our new resident. Luna." Mel said to the boy and pointed to the girl behind her, but luna was busy admiring the room to notice what was going on. This did not go unnoticed by the old lady, she simply smiled and poked the teen girl in her side. This caused Luna to jump slightly and snap back into reality.
"Yes?" she said.
"Luna this is Luis, the door man. He's my nephew. He shall make your stay here as easy as possible. Right Luis?" Mel replied as she let out a small chuckle.
"Y-yes Aunt Mel. H-hello." Luis said as he stared at Luna. Blush was starting to form on his cheeks, and getting darker by the minute. Luna noticed his uneasiness, and thought it was because she was intimidating. She was wearing black ripped jeans, a studded belt, a red acid washed tank top with a flannel covered in holes. Her wallet held a chain that was attached to a belt loop. To top off her look, her makeup was lightly smoky and shows off her facial piercings well, and combat boots on her feet. Her hair created a dark wave around her, with slight waves and the bangs hiding her left eye from view.
"Dude calm down, I'm not gonna bite." Luna said to Luis with a slight smirk and a eye roll.
"No!," Luis said rather loudly, then corrected himself. "It's just that, a few people came in and took some boxes and furniture up to a room, and well, they looked like you." He finished as he went through the desk, in a hurry it seemed like, and pulled out a key holding out to Luna. His blush still evident on his cheeks. By the time he fished it out, Mel had already taken her belongings from Luna and her eyes shone when her nephew had finished speaking.
'What? Oh, the guys must have brought my stuff...I guess that they didn't want to see me.' Luna thought as a small frown fell upon her face.
"Oh! They came? Luna, do you know those people?" asked Mel.
"I think he's talking about my friends, yes. I guess that they brought some stuff for me to use so I didn't have to spend so much on furniture. I hope they didn't cause any trouble."
'I'll knock their heads in...that's if I see them again.' Luna thought to herself.
"Oh no dear, a very nice young lady and I spoke on the phone the other day and told me that she was having her brothers bring some things over for a new resident. I had no idea that this was you, of course I am just a old lady and forget these things." The old lady said with a smile and a wave of her delicate hand.
'Wait, does this old chick-'
"Aunt Mel is the owner of this establishment." Luis said from behind the desk.
'There yah go.'
"I'm sorry Melody I had no idea that you were the owner." Luna said to the nice widow as she adjusted her bags on her shoulders and moved to the desk to take the key from Luis.
"Thank you."
"Oh don't worry about it darling. In fact, the young lady on the phone set everything up for you. Now, there is a total of ten floors, excluding the ground floor. The ground floor is a hall set for the workers to live in, but it is just me and my nephew. There are not a lot of residents, so noise is not a worry. You are on the top floor, in room 666 if I remember correctly. Oh, and there is a parking lot, or garage, whatever you kids call them these days, next door for your cars and such. You just go on up and get settled. Don't be afraid to ask for anything dear. And don't be a stranger." Mel said as she ushered Luna into the elevator with a smile, waving as the doors closed.
'Was I becoming a problem? Talk about hurrying. Damn..I wanted to see the guys.'
"Maybe they didn't want to see me, after all I'm not family anymore." The rebellious looking teen said to herself. The dinging noise from the elevator as she went up the floors stopped, and right on cue the doors opened to a hall. The walls were a tanish white with carpets of blue, purple, and black lining the floors. Luna stepped out and into the hall. She followed the sign directing to where her room was. She looked from door to door for the number '666'.
"660....662...664...ah there you are." She spoke to herself in a hushed tone. Placing one of her two bags down, she unlocked the door and slowly opened it. Inside she could see boxes piled up, containing some of her old belongings, clothes, bedding, etc no doubt. She didn't have time to pack when she left, so maybe it was-
"No don't even think of their names." Luna corrected herself as she stepped in after grabbing the black bag, closing the door with her foot. She looked around more, avoiding the boxes for now. There was a couch against the wall, a end table at both ends of the couch with lamps on them, a chair near a bookcase filled with all her books no doubt, there was mantle on the wall and on top of the ledge was a flat screen tv and a narrow box under it. The cable box. To her right there was a small kitchen with an island, complete with a refrigerator, stove, sink and dishwasher. Straight ahead of her there was a hall, and what she could see, with two rooms, a bathroom, and a washer and dryer. The apartment smelled of cleaning products and of her. She couldn't find a trace of anyone else, and found herself feeling somewhat disappointed. Tossing her bags onto the couch, moved about. Looking at the island counter top, she noticed some papers piled on top of each other neatly. She moved over to them and began to look through it all. She found documents containing her information, though some of it had been changed. Possibly for a new identity. She found her birth certificate, social security information, driver's license, school information, a letter-
'Wait what? School? Who said I was going to school? What in the actual flying fuck is going on?' Luna thought to herself. She started flipping through the jumble of papers, trying to find the letter she say. In the heat of the moment, she dropped them all, causing them to fall to the carpet floor in a heap of mess.
"FUCK!" She yelled and crouched down to go back to searching through them. Once she finally located the wanted paper, she opened it up and began to read. Right off the bat, she recognized the handwriting that covered the paper.

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