Stopping an old and new foe

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The figure toward over me by a good foot or two, and he reeked of sewage. His skin was scaley with  a deep blue with a hint of purple color. I grew cautious as I walked around this person….mutant?....with my head down. Muttering a soft ‘excuse me’ to seem shy and scared, I slipped into the stairway. When the door closed I looked outside the small window into the lobby. The person looked very muscular, to a point, and his clothes were very rugged. The dark colors varied from silver to to grey, as did his accessories.

Another person, a resident I think, walked out from the bottom floor doors and up to the figure that stood in front of the door. The resident looked nervous, scared in fact. The mutant turned slightly, giving me a perfect view of the side of his face. His snout, neck, and parts of his profile were covered in scars. His eyes were a piercing yellow, with the iris in a snake like shape. Is it can't be him. His toothy mouth turned into a dark grin as the resident handed over a slip of paper, both exchanging a few words. The resident said something that caused the crocodile mutant to grab him by the throat, and utter a few words before he dropped the resident and left. Yep, it's him alright. The resident rubbed his throat, letting out a few rough coughs.

I stepped out of the stairwell, and stood in front of the resident. A middle aged man, looked up at me. “What did you give that mutant?” I asked as I looked down at the man, my aura darkened as the man looked up at me in a worried expression.

“I-I can’t tell you! He’ll kill my family if I tell anyone. Please, let me go so I can get my family out of this area.” He pleaded. I pitied him, to have this fear of everything taken from you is something that no one should have.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen. Now, tell me what you gave him.” I said. The man thought to himself, his silence starting to wane my patience. “If you don’t tell me, I can't help you escape.” I told him, hoping that this would persuade him to speak. The man looked up at me, his mouth opened as he began to speak.

“An address of the warehouse that I used to work at for I got fired, it holds weapons and money. Lots of it, he didn’t tell me why he wanted the address. Just that he had some unfinished business to attend too.” He answered, sweat covering his forehead and running down the side of his face. I helped him stand up from the carpet floor, and he patted his pockets until he pulled out his wallet and handed me a business card. “This is the place. He won't be going into the warehouse until it closes, which is at 8 pm.” The card read ‘Dominion Industries’, it was the second largest weapon facilities I’ve heard of.

“Thank you. Go, take your family out of here. I'll make sure he doesn't come after you.” I stated, the man thanked me as he backed up and ran down the bottom floor hall. At the end of the hall, there was a door that lead to the outside.

I slid the card into my pocket, and went up the stairs to my apartment. I opened my door, tossed my bag onto the couch, and relocked the door behind me. I popped my back as I looked at my school bag. I’ve got a bit of time. I pulled out what homework I had and began to finish it. When I checked the time, I plugged my phone up in my room after I connected it to the wifi and went into my closet. On the floor of the small space was a box that was still taped closed. It read ‘Do not open’ on the sides in my handwriting. I pulled it out from its hiding spot, and into the middle of the floor. Reaching down to my boot, I fished in the side for my knife but realized I left it in my car.

I groaned as I got up and pulled a spare out of the nightstand, and cut open the tape on the box. Inside there was a few throwing knives, throwing stars, many mini boxes of bullet rounds and magazines full of ammo, a utility belt for knives, guns, and other necessities possibly needed for an event such as the one that was about to go down tonight. There was an armored vest and limb pads on the bottom. I sighed looking down at the items. I really had hoped that I would never open these things up again, but maybe I can use them for what I’ve always wanted now. I can make and follow my own rules, be my own-

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