pandora's box

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➶ in which they found pandora's box

"d—do you really have to go?" The man heard a soft, shivering voice while he was packing his things

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"d—do you really have to go?" The man heard a soft, shivering voice while he was packing his things. Jeongguk's action was interrupted as his eyes met the other's eyes. Silver haired, an older boy who had beautiful eyes sat beside him and asked the one question that he wouldn't want to answer as it was painful and well . . he didn't really want to leave everything behind.

"Hyung, you know the answer" jeongguk muttered, his voice frail.


"Even if i don't want to, i don't have any choice right?"

"We . . ." the older trailed, his voice staggering as he limply helped the younger prepare his things. "We . . . we would really be missing you" the older but smaller boy beside him spoke, fighting the urge to cry himself.

Jeongguk smiled, sighing "jimin-hyung, I'll be back soon enough, don't worry" he patted the elder's back to reassure him.

The smaller man blinked his eyes as it was getting glossy "why did you decide things on your own? We could have helped you and maybe liliane—"

"If i did, do you think the outcome would have changed?"

The two's eyes met and the older one sensed the frailty of the boy to the topic, "do you think I'd have a chance against taehyung-hyung? Do you think i could win her heart to have it on my own?"


"After everything that happened and after being so dumb, idiot and naive do you think she would believe me if i said that i love her? Do you think she would accept the feelings of this boy who chose to keep it all to himself for ten years?"


The kept feelings, unspoken words couldn't help but spill all at once as the tears fell in the younger's eyes, "I . . I love her and i know you know that i still am, for almost ten years even before you guys came—I've. . I've loved her"


"I love her so much and you don't know how much i regret not even speaking a word to her about these foolish feelings" he continued, continuously wiping the tears that won't stop falling.

"I'm sorry, jeongguk" the older patted his back. "I always wanted to scream and just pull her into my grasp, trap her in my arms so she wouldn't have to be in taehyung's side. I wanted her for myself and . . And you don't know how much it kills me being here" Jimin's eyes pooled with tears too, he wanted to comfort the boy so bad but he didn't know how.

After all, Park Jimin was one hella fine man and he has his dream girl right by his side, never even experienced the torturous pain that he was currently seeing on the boy infront of him.

"I'm so sorry" Jimin whispered, afraid to speak even more as he knew anything he might say would only add salt to the younger's already wounded heart.

Jeongguk continuously wiped the tears that cascaded down on his cheeks but even how much he cried, the pain he was feeling never disappeared and even if he would lose all the water he had to make him tear up—it would never ever be enough to express how much pain he was feeling . . . knowing that crying was futile, he fought to stop his tears.

Jeongguk huffed and hiccupped but managed to stop his tears, "you okay?"

"sorry, you had to see that side of me jimin-hyung"

"nah, it was alright. I was selfish to never consider how you felt" the older spoke and the two continued to fix the younger's things.

Soon enough, everything was fixed and settled but the elder's eyes trailed on the box that he knew all too well what contained.

"jeongguk that box, what would you want to do with it?"

The younger's eyes trailed on the big blue box that almost looked like a treasure box—his very own pandora box. The boy sighed, eyes turning away from the object "when i leave, just throw it"

Jimin's eyes widened and was almost about to protest "what the fuck are you even saying? those ar—"

"i don't want to see them anymore. if i have them, i wouldn't be able to move on"

Jimin wanted to argue but seeing the sad eyes on the boy didn't help him at all "fine"

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