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Sick of all the insincere. I'm gonna give all my secrets away. This time, don't need another perfect lie.

One Republic

     "Wait, so she just—" Jack Johnson started, after sipping his lemonade as means to defeat the sweltering summer heat.

     "Yes, she walks over and says 'those lemon squares, I made them. I could teach you.'" Shawn mocked the Carlough who had approached him on the infamous Sunday that seemed so distant from what was contemporary.

     Jack burst into a fit of laughter, Aaron joining in with him as Shawn continued to recall the tragic night. "Man, I-I knew she had it out for you, but—" he gasped for air like someone who had only just resurfaced after a dive "—but not like that! Not for that reason." He laughed. "And what was it? What did she say they'd do?" He hit the table lightly, seemingly unable to contain himself.

     "She said that they'd share him." Shawn blew a tuff of hair from his face in irritation, mentally cursing Cindy and Mindy. If he had any say in it, Mindy and Cindy would not even have warrant to breathe the same air that Cameron did.

     "That's priceless man." Jack swore, before ordering a refill on his mostly depleted drink.

     "Wouldn't be priceless if Madison told you she and Maggie would share Jack." Shawn fired back, arms crossed in frustration.

     Jack instinctually adjusted his collar, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

     "Jack and I, w-we're just friends. I don't care what Mads has...or what she shares." He whispered off towards the end.

     "All right, awkward, moving on." Aaron rushed in, breaking the tension. "So Shawn, your party, what's the news on that?" He tried.

     Shawn contemplated it for a while. Well, he knew that his current guest list did not involve Cameron. He tried not to think about it much, as it would only bring him sadness. He knew Aaron and the Jacks were sure to attend. He'd counted Madison and her posse in as well; they were welcome. Most everyone had RSVP'd, the venue had been set and exacted. Everything; it appeared, was in place.

     "Everything's set." He clapped his hands together, smiling as the waitress arrived with their dishes. "The weather's pretty nice I say, so we might dine outside when the sun sets. I'm sure the breeze will be nice." He noted, a bit more to himself towards the end.

     "Sounds good to me man! Jack, have you gotten your suit?" Aaron inquired.

     "Yeah man." He smiled. "It's insane! You've got to see it. I'll show you guys later today."

     Jack had taken the news that not one one, but both of his best mates had presented with him and he had taken it well. He accepted them, he supported them, and they respected him for it. Neither of them realising how easy it was to be loved for who you were, when surrounded by the right kind of people.

     It shocked Shawn a bit, brought him to tears almost, but he willed himself not to. 'No more crying' he'd told himself so long ago. If there was anything that Shawn had become, it was true to himself. He lived truthfully. He walked in faith and bathed in happiness. He had nearly everything that he wanted in life.

     There was Cameron of course. He loved him, he wanted him back more than ever. Every day in fact, he'd admit he felt the urge to love the boy again because he had relied on it for so long. He found it comparable to a smoker going cold turkey; unpleasant, sickening. He loved Cameron with every fibre within himself.

     He knew he'd wait one thousand years just to feel the same bliss he had so graciously felt for the entirety of his years spent with Cameron. Hell, he'd wait one million if he could.  He'd do it all again, only changing his lies to truths the second time around.

     That was the thing about love.m; it was like a drop of blood in the deep end. Once it blessed your senses, it made you crazy. Like the dog who tasted it and went wild. Like the shark who smelled it and went wild.

     Regardless of the plethora of help offered, Shawn didn't want it. He wanted love. He wanted Cameron to come along and love him again because he knew within his heart that live was the only thing that would heal him, and without it (in even the tiniest of existences) he would never want to get better.

     That's what love did to you. It screwed you up in every way that it could. It made you depend on it like the tripper did the needle. Love was a drug itself. It was a venomous, vile one that once taken away sent you to places unimaginable. And that —Shawn believed— was why the experience was so addicting. Love didn't hurt, so long as you had it.

     "Earth." Jack snapped. "To." Snap. "Shawn Peter-Raul Mendes." Snap. Shawn rolled his eyes, taking his lens on and squeezing it out atop his smoked salmon. "What are you thinking about?" Jack questioned, chin in the palm of his hand.

     "Nothing...n-nothing, just Cameron." He sat up straight.

     "You fine?" Both Aaron and Jack asked.

     "Totally fine. Just miss him is all." He smoothed over because he did miss Cameron, and it was exactly his obligation to make public just how much.

Hi guys! Short one, I know. I know, but you know what else? This book is coming to and end. One, maybe two more chapters and then a prologue. I can hardly believe it! I didn't really expect anyone to read READ this because I felt like everyone figured that Shameron was dead, so I posted it anyhow, and I am so grateful for my readers and definitely my commenters who above all have a special place in my heart, as their fidelity is unwavering, and their support goes beyond testable limits. If you think that this is the end of Shameron, you've thought wrong! I'll be sure to let you know when I am ready to publish my next work and hopefully spoil you all with the contents (as well as quicker updates haha). Love you lot, have a great day, afternoon, evening etc.

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