Ch. 1- CRoiSsaNtS

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    Woo, chapter one is up! Sorry it took so long, this took forever to write, but I'm proud of it! Just as a warning, there is some Japanese in this writing, but don't worry, translations will be below. Please enjoy!


(Yuri's POV)

     I practically flew out the door, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. How could she do this to me? I thought blindly. We were supposed to get married in 5 months... guess it's all over now. I kept running for god knows how long; I didn't stop once, and neither did the tears. Only god knows where I was going, or where I was... but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away; get away from her, from him, from that house... from everything. I stumbled, tripping over my feet and falling on the ground, but I quickly picked myself back up and kept running as fast as I possibly could. I covered my face with my arm to try and wipe away my clear droplets of pain. But it didn't work. The pain only came back twice as fast.

     All of the sudden, I found myself flat on my butt in the middle of the sidewalk. Confused, I looked up finding a wide-eyed surprised man looking down at me. I gaped, studying him for a couple moments. He had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes, and silver hair, with bangs. One side of his hair went in his face, making him look adorably sexy. His skin was a fair white, a creamy color, and it looked very soft. I snapped. Coming back to reality, I realized I must have bumped into him and fell. I regained a small amount of control, enough to get me to apologize.

     "S-Sumimasen, go-gomen'nasai." I stuttered. I picked myself up and was about to walk away when the man grabbed my arm. I turned around and looked at him in surprise.

     "Īe, it isn't a problem. Anata wa daijōbudesuka? What's wrong?" He looked concerned as he asked me this. I sniffled, trying to hold in my sobs, as he led me to a bench not too far away. He sat us down and then gently gripped my hands. "What's wrong?" He asked again.

     "M-my fiancé, she-she chea-" I broke down in sobs. "SHE CHEATED ON ME!" I yelled despairingly. I felt a bit better now that I had gotten that small part out.  The man then reached across me and gave me a hug, trying to comfort me. Even though I didn't know him, I accepted his hug and returned it, being the only sense of comfort at the moment.

     "Oi oi, yoshi yoshi. it'll be ok," he whispered reassuringly in my ear. Once I had calmed down to where I was only sniffling, he pulled away, gripping my shoulders and said: "now, where are my manners? We should at least formally introduce ourselves. My name is Victor Nikiforov."  He extended his hand, and said this brightly with a smile. His smile seemed to light up the whole street, causing me to give a slight smile back. I also took note that his voice had an accent to it, maybe Italian? No wait, I think it might be Russian... I realized I hadn't replied yet and said:

     "Yuri Katsuki, nice to meet you." I reached out my small hand and shook his larger one. After we shook hands, he said:

     "Hey, Yuri, would you like to come over to my house, maybe explain what happened, get to know eachother... I also have some croissants in the oven right now, they'll be really delicious when they're done!~" I pursed my lips thinking what to do. I didn't have anywhere to stay, since my so called "fiancé " was probably still at our apartment, and Phichit was too far away... plus this man had croissants in his oven, that's a bonus. I decided to go with it and said,

     "It's a deal."

**Time skip to Victor's house**

(Victor's POV)

     We arrived at my townhouse and I grabbed my keys, fumbling with them to open the door. I heard a soft click! Assuring me that the door was unlocked. Before I opened it I said to Yuri,

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