Chapter 6

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"So, Emma, from 1 to 10, how much do you like my brother?"- Anna said

We were waiting for Anna's mom to get the car and Destiny had the idea of playing truths while we waited

"Well..."- I started thinking, but I didn't know what to say.- "9"- Anna smiled 

"My turn to ask"- I said

"Anna, do you like Max?" - her eyes widened

Max is Brian's best friend
Anna talks to him all the time as a friend, but it's pretty obvious that they like each other

"I don't know! I think I'm starting to"

"I knew it!"- I said

"Ok, Destiny, what is the that thing you hate most about Dylan"- I asked

Dylan is Destiny's best friend 
Dylan kind of developed a crush on her and told her
Destiny didn't take it well and basically told him to back off because she doesn't feel the same way he does, and Dylan was heartbroken

"I hate that he is so pushy! I already told him that I don't like him back and he still asks me if I have changed my mind"- Destiny said

"Well, you are probably right, in your own way, but you did break his heart"- Anna said

"I agree"- I said


After about one hour I was already in my house

About thirty minutes later I got a text from Anna

Anna- can I call you?

Emma- sure

She called

"Hey!"- Anna said

"What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to talk to you! I wanted to call my best friend at 11:00 because why not!"

"I don't believe you, truth please, now Anna!"

"Damn, you know me so well, the thing is, I was talking to my brother, he's right here, next to me, and he told me that he wanted to talk to you"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know"

"Ok, put him on"

Mental side note: breathe Emma

After a few seconds, Brian answered

"Hey, Emma!"- I noticed he was nervous

"Hey, Brian, what's up? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine don't worry. I just wanted to say hi and well, good night, since it's nighttime and see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight Brian! See you tomorrow!"- I said giggling

"Well, here's Anna"

"I can't believe he just did that! He must really like you!"- Anna said

"Well, what can I say, I'm irresistible!"- I said and we both laughed

"We both are!"- we couldn't stop laughing

"That was actually really sweet don't you think?"

"Yes Emma, I'm telling you he's in love with you"

It was 11:11

"Anna! It's 11:11! Make a wish!"- I said

"Oh, yeah! I know what yours is"

"I do too"



"I can barely stay awake!"- I told Anna

"I know!"

Destiny was probably asleep

"Destiny! Destiny!"- we tried waking her up but couldn't

Let's just hope the teacher doesn't notice

She finally woke up

"What?"- she said

"You fell asleep"- I told her

"Oh!"- Destiny replied


** the bell rang**

"Finally we can get away from here!"- I said

"But we still have a project to do!"- Anna said

We were walking to the car when I accidentally bumped into Alex and fell down to the floor

I guess he didn't recognize me because he stood up and helped me up

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"- he said looking away

As soon as he realized it was me, he turned red


"It's okay Alex"

"How have you been?"

"I'm fine, surprised you care"

"Look, I'm so sorry about what happened between us, I was a total jerk and now I know it, I know that I shouldn't have let you go and that you deserve someone better"

I was frozen

I didn't know what to do or respond until I heard Anna fake-coughing

I came back to reality

"I'm sorry it happened too, but you know what? I wanted to thank you"

"For what?"

"You made me stronger, helped me understand that I can't just let people hurt me over and over again, I have to fight back"

"I'm truly sorry"

"I know you are, but it's too late, I already picked up the broken pieces of my heart by myself"

As soon as I said it I started to walk away, Anna and Destiny next to me

"Girl Power! Respect! That was awesome"- Anna said

"I'm totally dying inside! But it was worth it"- I said

"I'm proud of you Emma, that takes some serious guts"

I'm happy that just happened

It was something that I had been carrying on my shoulders for a long time and now that weight is gone

I feel so much better

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