Chapter 18

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"Are you ready?"- we were about to go into the magic kingdom park


I'm so nervous

The last time I was here I was about 10 years old, celebrating my birthday with my family

Brian and I took pictures with Mickey, Minnie, all of the princesses, and of course went on all of the rides

By the end of the day, we were exhausted but Brian suggested that we stayed for the electrical parade

So, we did

It was the most beautiful and magical thing I have ever seen

This day had been the very best day of my life

When the parade was over Brian looked at me directly in the eyes causing me to blush as he always does

"Emma, there's something I want to ask you"

"Brian is everything alright?"


"What do you want to ask me?"

He suddenly knelt down and got a black box out of his jacket, he opened it and a beautiful ring was inside

We were right in front of the castle and the fireworks show had just started

"Emma you have made me the happiest man on earth, I'm so grateful that you and my sister found each other because I got to meet you, I got to know you and most importantly, I got to love you. You have taught me to care for others, to live my life to the fullest and you have taught me to love dearly, I promised you that you would be the woman who would stand by my side for the rest of eternity and you would be the mother of my children.
And Emma, today I am here, knelt down before you to ask you one simple question: Will you marry me and continue making me the happiest man on earth?"

I couldn't breathe

I was shocked

I noticed that my cheeks were all wet; happy tears

I just covered my face with my hands and started crying harder

I was so happy

"Brian"- that's all I could say before he kissed me

"So, what do you say?"


"She said yes!!!"

Everyone around us started cheering and clapping

Best day ever


"Anna! Guess what!"- I was talking on the phone with Anna


"I'm engaged!"

"Whaaaaaaat?????!!!!!!" On my God Emma! I'm so happy! Of course I knew he would eventually ask you, but I didn't know when! How did he pop the question?"

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