Chapter 14

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As angry as I am right now, I don't want Anna to hurt Brian

I still believe there is some explanation

It must be a misunderstanding

"What are you going to do Anna?"

"I'm going to beat the living crap out of him"

I have always been so scared of angry Anna


"But teacher, I did it just the way you said"- I could hear Emma almost crying

"I want you to do it again"- Mr. Robertson said

I approached him

"Excuse me, Mr. Robertson, my friend here did it as you asked, so why don't you leave her alone"- I don't want to raise my voice

"What do you care?"- oh, I'm angry now

"Look, I care because she is my best friend, it's not my problem you never had friends. Besides it's third grade, no one cares about grades at this time, only unicorns"

He was left speechless

"Fine, whatever"

"Anna! Why did you do that for me?"- Emma asked me as we started walking away

"Because you are my best friend nos, and besides you would do the exact same thing for me! Do you remember the time you punched Regina in the face because she said I looked ugly?"

"Yeah, but you looked beautiful that night, thank you Anna"

We hugged

And after that, we became inseparable

end flashback Anna

"I don't know where he is"

"We'll find him don't worry"

We looked everywhere

To my surprise he was in the boys' bathroom crying

"Brian?"- Anna knocked

"Leave me alone!"

"Come out right now Brian! Be a man not a chicken"- Anna said

And Brian did

The second he came out our eyes met, I looked away instantly

"What do you want Anna?"

Before he could say something else Anna already had her fist in his face

Brian's nose started bleeding

He wasn't doing anything to stop her

"Why aren't you stopping her?"- someone form the crowd said

"Because I deserve it"- he said looking directly at me

I felt really bad

"Anna stop!"- I said right before she was about to throw another punch at him

"What's wrong?"- Anna questioned

"Please don't hurt him"- I said putting myself between Anna and Brian

I looked at him

"He made this mistake, I get it, but let's be better than him and not make a mistake we might regret"- I never stopped looking at him

"Oh, I won't regret it! He hurt you Emma!"- Anna said raising her voice

"Yes, I know, I'm broken inside, but that doesn't mean we follow his steps and hurt other people. Goodbye Brian"- I say and leave

"How will you get home?"- Anna asked

"I'll take a cab"

I was just leaving when I feel that someone grabs my arm


Before I say anything he grabs my face and kisses me

The kiss lasts more than it should

I want to stop kissing him

I'm mad

But I can't

Once it's over Brian says

"I'm so stupid Emma! And I'm so sorry! That bitch will pay for what she has done, but right now, I just want us, forever"

Of course I wanted to tell him it was okay but I needed an explanation 

"Brian"- I say putting my hand over his cheek - "I forgive you, but that doesn't mean that I'm not mad or hurt, and it certainly doesn't make my birthday any better"- I say, turn around and start walking away

I can't stop tears from falling


*beep beep*

6:30- time for school

I don't want to go to school

I hate school

The day was as long as a marathon, I couldn't wait for it to be over

*bell rings*

"Finally"- I say really loud and to my surprise everyone agrees

"Emma wait up!"- Anna said catching up to me - "how are you holding up?"

"Fine I guess"- of course I'm not fine

It's been a week since the party and Brian hasn't said anything to me except for a couple of sorry texts

The texts don't work. I want him to come up to me and explain

We were walking out of school when I see Brian with a bunch of roses and the bruise Anna gave him

"OMG Emma!" - Anna said screaming

Brian approaches me

"Emma, please listen to me before you say anything else"

I just nod

"Here's the thing, I know I have said this a million times, I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, what happened was a complete mistake, she wouldn't stop kissing me, I wanted to punch her in the face for not letting me go, and hurting your feelings, but she is a girl and I couldn't. I know I was a complete jerk and I hope I can..."

He couldn't finish because I kissed him

I kissed him

"You're right, you're a jerk"- he just smiled, my one weakness -"I can't live without you"

"Emma, can I tell you something?"


"I love you"

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