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3rd person//

Jimin stepped away from the door and quickly dusted off his clothes, trying to fix his appearance to perfection. He stopped when the door opened, revealing a smiling Ms Min that was asking him if he wanted to come inside.

He sat down on the couch in the living room and rehearsed it in his head again. How to act. How to speak. How to breathe. Suddenly he could hear whisper-shouting from upstairs, he hadn't noticed that Ms Min had disappeared, but apparently, she had because Yoongi and she were bickering over something. Jimin turned away from the stairs and decided to just wait for them to be done with whatever it was that they were doing. But being Jimin, he couldn't help eavesdropping on the two



Jimin smiled, because Yoongi sounded just like a whiny teenager, and that was a new side of Yoongi, one that Jimin would gladly get to know.

"Jimin's sitting in our living room, in our living room, Yoongi."


"You have to go. He won't hurt you, I promise."

Jimin couldn't help but feel a bit hurt, did Yoongi really think that badly of him? Did he really think that Jimin would do anything to hurt him? But his thoughts got interrupted as the whisper-shouting got a bit louder and Yoongi was literally pushed into the living room. Jimin immediately spun up from the couch to face.

"H-hi." Yoongi looked beautiful. That's the only word Jimin had that could sort of do him justice. Yoongi was wearing a very oversized hoodie - it covered his hands and it went down all the way to his thighs - and per usual with Yoongi, his outfit was all black. Simple, but beautiful. The lace choker that was around his neck didn't go unnoticed either, quite the opposite really. Jimin liked it, like, really liked it.

"Hi." Jimin smiled back and struggled for a second with getting the small bouquet from behind his back. "Uh, here, they're for you. Obviously." Jimin mentally facepalmed. Yoongi laughed and took the bouquet with a quiet 'thank you', and all worries of fucking up disappeared from Jimin's mind as he smiled. "Shall we?" Jimin stood up and motioned for the door. Yoongi nodded and gave the flowers to his mum as they passed the conjoint kitchen, asking her to get them some water. "Ah shit, it's raining." Jimin walked up to the window and peeked out through the curtain to see small droplets of water start to collect on the window.

"It's raining?" Yoongi gasped and he sounded, excited?

"Yeah?" Jimin stood up straight and backed away to give Yoongi - who was running towards the window - some space. He didn't really understand what was going on, so he turned to Ms Min with furrowed brows in hope of getting some answers.

"He really likes rain." Ms Min smiled as she put the flowers in a vase. It didn't really help Jimin, because who the fuck likes rain? But Yoongi did seem to really enjoy the droplets that began to softly tap against the window. Jimin smiled none the less as he watched Yoongi jump up and down in childlike glee, but he stopped when he turned around, remembering that Jimin was present and fuck he'd just embarrassed himself.

"I uh- we should get going, yeah?" A pretty pink fell over Yoongi's otherwise stoic complexion and Jimin chuckled before he walked up to Yoongi and swept him into a hug and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. Yoongi got caught off guard, but he didn't mind, not at all. And neither did his mum it seemed.

As Ms Min continued to cheer them on in the background, Yoongi made sure to get out of that door real fast, so fast in fact that he didn't notice how Jimin's hand was laying in his own, and how their fingers intertwined. "So, what are we doing?" Yoongi turned around, and his cheeks flushed a deeper pink when he realised the 'hand-situation' going on.

"It's a surprise, but we do have a bus to catch, and it's leaving in- four minutes, so we kind of need to dash." Jimin shot Yoongi a heart-clenching grin that went all the way up to his eyes and Yoongi melted on the spot.

"I can't run," He quickly blurted out as Jimin pulled at his arm. "I mean, physically, sure, but I'm advised not to since I have a certain kind of-" Yoongi got cut off by a loud yelp that left his own throat as Jimin squatted and grabbed Yoongi's thighs to hike him up on his back.

"Ready?" It was a rhetorical question, Yoongi realised as Jimin began to run faster than Yoongi thought had ever been humanly possible, especially for someone as small as Jimin. So Yoongi held on tight, maybe a bit too tight, but Jimin didn't complain. Not when Yoongi was nuzzling his whole face against the back of Jimin's neck, and he had his legs wrapped around Jimin's waist. Jimin tried his very best to shake those kinds of thoughts out of his head because Yoongi was way more special than that (for some reason) and this was not the time to pop a boner. "Almost there."

Yoongi could physically hear the smile through Jimin's words and he immediately felt more at ease, but when Jimin waved at the bus driver to wait - which he fortunately did - suspicion grew within Yoongi.

This bus goes to one place and one place only.

dramatic and problematic, that's me


thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!


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