|| l. tomlinson |**|

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Louis Imagine: Not a new me.

Continuation of "I'm going to be late"


Things have been different now that I have been associated with Louis Tomlinson of One Direction. People have been treating me differently. Some are kinder to me while others are even meaner than before.

I always have people asking me questions about Louis, and if they could meet him through my behalf, or if I could give him a message or something. I don't even understand why people would do that.

I've even found some people trying to get into my phone to get his number out of it. I figured that the only way his number would be safe is if I had it saved under a different name. Eloise Thompson. It was close enough to his name for me to remember, but other people didn't seem to realize that was him. I think it might have been because there was a student I talked to last semester named Eloise so they probably think it was her. She transferred out, after only coming for one semester, and never talked to anyone besides me, so I thank her for that now.

The "paps," as Louis refers to them constantly, never leave me alone. They are constantly following me around. Why? Because they are convinced that I'm dating Louis.

Who is Louis' mystery girl?

Louis Tomlinson has a new girlfriend! See fans reactions here.

Louis and new girlfriend were spotted having a nice dinner out.

One Direction's Louis Tomlinson and his new gal were out shopping all day. Special occasion?

Louis' mystery girl is no longer a mystery, find out who Alice Winters is and see newest pictures of the two.

Louis' new girlfriend, Alice, is cheating on the One Direction cutie? Read more to find out the details.

These are just a few of the many articles written on my behalf. It is so frustrating having to deal with this. I honestly respect Louis so much for ever enduring this. He gets it more often than I do. I could only imagine how he must feel, everyday, going through the same thing.

It's been a couple of months since the day he hit me with that door. And it's been about 2 weeks since I've last seen Louis, so why are they being so melodramatic.

I know that they are trying to get something out of me to ruin his reputation. I don't want to be the reason for his career to be impacted badly. I don't want anything bad to happen. So it's difficult for me to even deal with this. I'm scared that I might say something wrong, or that I might do something wrong, that would make them say something about us.

I know they already think that I'm cheating on him; although, cheating would require that we would be in a relationship, which we aren't. Really, all they saw was me talking to Victor one afternoon while I was walking home. He gave me a ride home, and also took me to buy food after I had mentioned I was going to get my car to go get something to eat. Now, because of that, they said I was cheating on him, but obviously I'm not. I can't be. Because, again, Louis and I are nothing more than friends. 

I miss him though. I just can't say that out loud to anyone, because they would make a big deal about it. But, I am allowed to miss my friend. Or am I not?

I found myself walking into a Starbucks; even though, I'm not so sure why I even came in here. I usually don't go to Starbucks.

"Alice" I heard my name from behind the counter. 

I immediately walked over to get my drink, but when I reached the counter, I saw nothing there. I also saw someone walking away with a cup that seemed to have my name on it. So I did what anyone would do in this case, I followed them out the door and was about to confront them but they turned around. He turned around.

"Hey Alice, I hope you don't mind that I picked up your drink as well."

"Louis, I was about to punch you in the face. No joke."

"So you're not happy to see me then?"

"No. The exact opposite actually," I said trying to keep a straight face.


"No, I'm kidding. Of course, I'm happy to see you. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." He said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

I know that people are probably taking pictures and posting them all over Twitter and Tumblr. Then there are going to be articles and I'm just... I'm going to have a panic attack, or maybe just even a heart attack. Oh gosh.

"I've got to go Louis."

"What, why?" he asked in a whine.

"I just, I have to go. Don't question me."

"No, I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's wrong."

"Look I just, I can't handle all of the things that are being said about us, about me. I already know my twitter is going to be blown up about us right now. And it's overwhelming me. People are telling me that I'm changing when in reality I'm not. I'm still the same me, but because I'm seen with you, people think I'm different. And I don't really think I can handle all of this pressure to be perfect when you're only just a friend. I mean, if we had more than that, then maybe I would put up with it, but we're just friends. And I'm sure you wouldn't even be interested in someone like me anyway, so what's the point. We should just say goodbye now. I'm sorry Louis." I said as I grabbed my drink and walked away from him.

I thought I was in the clear since I didn't hear him. It should have been liberating to know that I wouldn't have to deal with Louis and all the things that go along with knowing him.

As I reached my front door, I felt a hand yank on my arm.

"You can't be serious, Alice. You can't tell me that you never want to speak to me again. You and I both know that that would be a mistake. I can't go a day without thinking about you. And I'm not going to leave you alone. I can't leave you alone, even if I tried. I know I haven't even known you for long, but I think I might be falling in love with you. You don't treat me like I'm a pop star; you treat me like the normal person that I am. You see the real me, and ignore the things that are said about me. You may not like all the attention, but we could work to fix that. And really, all I'm saying is that I want you to be mine. I would like you to be my girlfriend. I want you, and I know you are probably going to say no but,"

At first, I was angry with him for coming after me and attracting all of the paps over here. They won't leave anytime soon. But soon after he said all that, I ignored everything else in the world. I didn't think about anything besides him; and at that moment, nothing mattered. I pulled him in closer to me and I kissed him. It was a perfect moment. And his lips felt great against mine.

"So I'm going to take that as a yes."

And I nodded saying "yes, Louis I will be your girlfriend."

And his smile at that moment was the most beautiful thing in the world. He looked amazing, and I just loved looking at him.

Now that I think back to it, I'm a bit glad that he came after me. Now, I will forever have this moment documented. I mean, don't get me wrong I still don't like any of the "perks" that come with knowing Louis, but my love for him is far greater than anything else. I would go to the moon and back for him.

And the thing is, I've learned that people are always going to be saying things about me changing, but as long as I know that I'm still me, I'm going to be fine. The only thing that has changed about me is my relationship status; and even then, it's like things didn't change much. I'm dating someone who soon became my best friend. He's everything I could ever ask for.

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