|| n. horan |***|

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Niall Imagine: Texting_ I’m hungry


Just imagine having this conversation over text message/ iMessage with Niall.

[Y/n]: Hey love.

Niall: Hey princess.

[Y/n]: Hey so yeah, I’m hungry babe and I really really really want food. Could you go get me some?

Niall: No love, I can’t.

[Y/n]: What! Why?? :(

Niall: Because you and I both know that I will finish the food before it even gets to you…

[Y/n]: But Niall I’m soo hungryyyyy!  

[Y/n]: You know what! Fine! Whatever, I’ll just starve then… :P

Niall: No love, I don’t want you to starve

Niall:  Plus I’m hungry as well, so let’s go eat.

[Y/n]: Okay! (:

Niall: Nandos??

[Y/n]: No…!

Niall: Why? :(

[Y/n]: Just kidding! Let's go love.

Niall: Yay! I love you.

[Y/n]:  I love you Niall.

[Y/n]: Now come pick me up.

Niall: Alright. Be there in 5.

Author's Note: Hey there. So I’m not saying that that’s how he talks or you talk or whatever buttttt that’s how things ended up coming out. I hope it wasn’t too bad and idk about you but I can imagine having that conversation with Niall, well something in that nature… ya know? Alright I’ll go now. Bye (:

eww so I just read this again, and well I don't like it. I'm going to leave it up because I just will but yeah, I don't like it. 

[Again, I don't even understand why I thought it was okay to write this. Lol, I have definitely improved. A lot. So you know, if you want to read something that's actually better, then I invite you to go through my works. Although, the later one shots in this book are better written than this. So you could just keep reading here.]

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