Part 12

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*Tayler opens the door and sees Joey on top of Cleo making out with each other*

*Tayler pushes Joey off of Cleo* "What the hell Joey!?" "What the hell what?!" "You were making out with my girlfriend!" "No I wasn't she was making out with me." "Cleo!" *Cleo was on the bed about to pass out* "Oh my god Cleo!" *Tayler does CPR on her* "Are you okay Cleo... now tell me what happened." "Joey freaking came up stairs when I said I was going to change my shirt and then I took off my shirt (as you can see I'm in my bra) and he starting making out with me and I could freaking breath!" Says Cleo. "That's not what happened." *Joey starts walking toward Cleo and she backs up because she traumatized and frightened*

"Cleo I'm really sorry." Joeys says and then leaves. "Why didn't you stop him from kissing you?" "I tried I was getting forced to kiss him." "Are you sure Cleo?" "Yes I'm sure." "Your lying Cleo I know your lying face!" Tayler says while getting off the bed and walking to the door to leave the room. "You liked it didn't you?" "Tayler no I didn't! Please don't leave!" *Tayler leaves the room* *Cleo quickly puts on a shirt and chases Tayler down the stairs* "Please don't leave Tayler." Cleo says while grabbing his arm. *He yanks his arm back and opens the door and leaves* "Cleo... I just can't do this anymore." "Tayler please don't leave..." "Bye Cleo." *Tayler drives off*

*Cleo trying chases after Tayler but, she was too late* *She sat down in the street and starting to cry* "What has Joey done! WHAT THE HELL JOEY! I hate you I hate you I freaking hate you so much!" Cleo yells as loud as she could.

*Cleo goes back inside and goes into her room and grabs everything of hers and also grabs Charles' stuff and leaves*

*In the car*

"Mom what's going on?" Charles asks. *Cleo wipes her eyes* "Nothing sweetie just Dad and I need some time to be alone I promise everything with get back together."

*They arrive at one of Cleo's friends' houses her name is (Loren)* *Cleo thinks Tayler's car is there but, if might just be Loren's car*

*Cleo looks at the license plate... its Tayler's car*

"Charles stay in the car I'll be right back." "Okay mom." *Cleo gets out of the car and runs to Loren's doorstep.* "Hey Cleo, Tayler in here if you need him." "Yes I do need him."

*She sees Tayler without a shirt on* "Oh hey Tayler." Cleo says in a bratty tone. "Loren why did you let her in?!" "It's called a friendship necklace bro." *they show Tayler their necklaces* "Oh by the way Cloe he was about to have you know what with me but, ya I would never do that to you girl." "Thanks Loren!" "No problem fam."

*Cleo sits on the couch* "So Tayler... I see you were trying to attach with my friend weren't you?" "No really it was just a prank." *Loren rolls her eyes* "Ya whatever Tayler do you want to be with me or not?" "Cleo I'm not dating you! I'm dating Loren!" "LOREN!?" "Cleo he's lying, what kind of b**** do you think I am. What the hell."

"One second let me go to the bathroom." "Cleo are you crying?" asks Loren while Cleo walks to the bathroom. "No I'm just sweating." "Through your eyeballs?" "Yes."

*Tayler follows Cleo to the bathroom and Tayler knows she doesn't look the bathroom door all the time so he just walked in and shut the door*

"Cleo where are you?" asks Tayler while he opens the showers door. "There you are." "Tayler can you leave please." "No I cannot." "Tayler!" "Fine I'm leaving." *He walks toward the door* "Tayler actually can you stay with me please." "Yes I can." *Tayler walks toward the shower* "Any room for me?" *He gets into the shower and picks up Cleo so she is standing up in the shower with him* *He puts her head on his shoulder* "Cleo are you okay?" "No." "Why not." "Because I miss you Tayler." "Well you won't miss me for long." *Tayler reaches and turns on the shower* "Tayler!" *Cleo tries to escape the shower but, Tayler won't let her*

"Look at me Cleo." *Cleo looks at Tayler* "You see I will never leave you even if it was raining and I kicked you out I would kick myself out also and if you die I would die for you, if you fell off a cliff I would jump off that cliff also... For you." "But..." *Tayler kisses her* *She pushes him off her* "What's the matter?" "We aren't dating Tayler... I'm just going to leave" *Cleo tries to leave again but, Tayler grabs her arm*

"Cleo will you be my girlfriend?" "I'll think about it... No I'm just kidding yes!" *He kisses her again and their clothes are soaking wet well of all Cleo's clothes and just Tayler's underwear and shorts got wet* "Please don't leave me again Tayler." "I won't... ever." "You promise?" "Yes I promise."

*They sit down in the shower together and just soak in the water for a while*

"Omg I forgot about Charles!" says Cleo while racing out of the bathroom and out the door to outside and grabs Charles and runs back into the bathroom and drops him in the tub with them*

"Dad!" "Charles!" "I missed you dad." "I miss you too kid."

*Once they got done with the bath they left and went back home to change* *And hopefully this is happily ever after*


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