Part 7

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*Cleo wakes up the next morning*

*Cleo forgets about what the gift was that Tayler was going to give her but, Tayler of course doesn't forget*

"Good Morning Cleo!" *Tayler opens the door and has a plate full of breakfast*

"What is this Tayler?" "Breakfast" "Thanks Tayler you're the best but, why breakfast in bed?" "Because you were sleeping and I was awake early because I was thinking about the present that was going to give you so ya pretty much." "A present!? Omg Tayler I totally forgot! Can I please have it now?" "No later sorry princess." *Tayler walks back downstairs and gets himself some breakfast*

*Tayler walks back upstairs with some breakfast (Eggs, bacon, and orange juice to be exact)* *Tayler gets into bed with Cleo and they eat their food* "Thanks so much for this breakfast it's so good" "No problem I tried my best I took a cooking class in 6th grade but, I still can't cook." "Yes you can!" "Thanks Cleo but, your cooking is better." *They finish their breakfast* "Do you want to go shopping at the mall today?" "Sure Tayler, but you don't like shopping." "Its fine I can deal with it." *Cleo is still confused why Tayler is acting really nice today*

*Tayler and Cleo get dressed and then go to the mall* *Once they get there they go shopping at Forever 21 because, that's Cleo's favorite place to shop.*

"I'm going to wait outside okay?" "Ya that's okay... I'm still going to look around in here and then I'll come out and we can get lunch." *Tayler sits on a bench and waits for Cleo to get her stuff purchased so they can go eat*

"Okay I'm done and I'm going to look so hot." "You already do Cleo." "I know I do." *She giggles* *Tayler and Cleo walk to Panda Express and get something to eat*

"I'll be back Tayler I have to go to the bathroom." "I have to also." "Okay let's go." *They both go to the bathroom* *as Cleo walks out she sees someone that she recognized and that person looks at Cleo. **Cleo walks over to that person*

"MARK?!" "CLEO!?" *They hug* "Omg I haven't seem you in forever Mark how's it going?" "Going great actually I just have been really busy but, then I finally have time to come here for a while." "That's cool." "Cleo are you getting fat?" "No Mark." *They laugh* "Then what is it?" "I'm pregnant." "Omg! Joey and you hit it off didn't you?" "No..." "Then with who." *Tayler walks over to Cleo.* "With him." "Oh what's up Mark?" "Nothing much. You bro?" "Nope nothing much." "Well you kind of do Tayler." *Mark points at Cleo's belly* "WHAT!?" "I'm pregnant Tayler." "IM GOING TO BE A FATHER?!" "Yes Tayler." "OMG IM SO FREAKING EXCITED" "Good."

"Well nice seeing you Mark, I hope we can talk again soon." "Yes I hope we can." *Mark puts something in her hand, Its Mark's phone number* "Thanks Mark" "You welcome." "I love you." "Love you too Cleo!"

**Btw Mark and Cleo are best friends**

*Cleo falls on her way to Panda Express* "Are you okay Cleo?" "NO! I THINKING IM HAVING THE BABY!" "OMG!" *Mark and Tayler carry Cleo to the car and they both drive her to the hospital*

*Time passes*

"It's a boy." *The doctor hands the baby to Cleo* "But, here's the bad news." "There's bad news?" Tayler says. "Yes, Tayler honey you're not the father." "ARE F***ING SERIOUS?!" "Yes." *Cleo looks at Tayler and is very confused* "Cleo!? Are you serious?! Who is this other guy?" "I don't know Tayler." *She's starts to cry* "I just don't know." "Well you better know or we are over." "Tayler! No! Please! I want to stay with you forever!" "Well if we don't get this figured out then we are nothing." *Tayler walks out of the room* "I'm sorry Cleo." *Mark holds Cleo's hand while the other hand she is holding the baby* "Cleo do you remember when we had the party?" "Ya." *Cleo just got what he was meaning* "ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS!? SO YOU'RE THE FATHER MARK?!" "Possibly" "GOD NO!" "I'm going to tell Tayler" "Mark no!" *He goes to tell Tayler.* "My life is ruined."

*Tayler walks in and looks at Cleo sleeping* "I'm sorry Cleo." *He starts to tear up and then kisses Cleo on the forehead.* "Good bye Cleo." *Cleo wakes up* "Please don't go Tayler." "I have to Cleo... I'm sorry but, it's over." "TAYLER! Come back!" "*He walks in back through the door* "What Cleo?" "You are the father and I'm going to prove it!" "I'll go ask the nurse if they can do another scan."

*They do another scan*

"Tayler is the father sorry for wasting your time." *Tayler hugs Cleo and the baby* "By the way Cleo I was about to kill Mark for your information and also what are you going to name the baby?" "I was thinking of naming him Charles." "That's a wonderful name and also thank goodness everything is back together is place and Cleo I the question I was going to ask you was id you would marry me." *Tayler pulls out the 2 diamond ring* "Yes Tayler of course." *Cleo puts the ring on and they can leave the hospital now.* "

"Where are we going now Cleo?" "I don't know where are we going?" *They drive off and leave Mark in the hospital*

(The ending killedme) (I'm died)9999999W��x왈

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