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"hey, dan!" pj yells in relief as he sees the brunet enter the apartment door. dan looks up at him, face flushed with colour from the cold and lips chapped from the lack of moisture in the air.

"dan, why'd you go out again? it's 6 am and freezing!" he questions, his voice raspy from waking up not too long ago. the man glares at dan from the kitchen counter, eyebrows furrowed and lips stretched into a thin line in frustration.

dan just sighs, dropping his bag beside the couch along with his cane, and unsteadily makes his way over to pj. dan usually can navigate his way around the apartment from memory however, at times he needs a little guidance. his steps are slow, and unsure as it echoes throughout the room, bouncing off the walls that only pj can recognize through his sense of sight with his aesthetic decoration.

dan sits down on the chair, placing his palms on the cold, marble countertop table and pulls himself closer.

"i was bored. and i couldn't sleep." dan replied, placing his elbows on the counter and resting his chin between his hands.

"you could've gotten hurt!" the man exclaims. dan had a frown plastered on his lips and slight guilt was shown on his face as he fiddled with his curls, twirling it around his fingers. pj sighs.

"just-" pj pauses, thinking of what to say. "next time if you can't sleep, come my room, ok?" dan just nods, facing away from him, continuing to nervously play with his hair.

god damnit, he was adorable. the way his slightly curly waves rested on his forehead and was brushed to the side. and his flushed cheeks blooming with rose pink, dimples popping on both sides when his lips forms into a small smile and words escapes his mouth, snapping pj out of his daze.

"oh, peej! i almost forgot to ask. when does your shift start today at the café down the road?" dan says, words slicing through the silence. pj shakes his head and smiles.

"12 pm to 7 pm. why'd you ask?" he asks, as the man rests his head on his fist. maybe he was interested in his life? wait, doesn't he already know?

"oh, just checking. someone asked me if i wanted to meet there during your shift so-" dan shrugs, biting the inside of his cheek. once again, silence fills the room, seeping into the blank walls and taunting pj to say something, anything, because anything would hurt less than quiet. even the feeling of his heart sinking in his chest, his thoughts of what dan might think of this man threatening to drop and shatter his fragile little heart into tiny pieces that he knew he couldn't put together again. even that is better than the silence, something that both the men experience, right? only one person being affected is better than two, right?

"oh." is all he can mutter. the pathetic word that is let loose from pj's lips and echoing into dan's ears, as he suddenly regrets saying that. why couldn't he have asked if he was hungry? or if he got enough rest?

maybe he was overthinking this.

but why wouldn't you overthink something about someone you love?
what was this chapter

also, thank you for the support i've been getting recently!! it really makes my day and motivates me to keep writing, so thank you!! o(`ω' )o

hope you're having a great day~~ 💙💙🌿

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