Chansaw ~Soulmate AU + Modern AU~

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Sorry if this sucks but I'm trying. Will be from Veronica's point of view.

Also the only reason it's Modern AU is because I'd end up having a character texting or something and it's just so much easier like this.


I wandered down the corridor, the bell having just rang for First Period.

"Grow up, Heather. Bulimia's so '07." I paused outside of the bathroom door, the Demon Queen's voice clear inside. Quickly, I slipped in and hid behind a stall. This was my chance to at least try to be left alone by the assholes of the school. My eyes glanced over the room, grey the only colour shown. There was rumor of people able to see other colours than just black and white. It seemed ridiculous to think about. Ms Fleming passed me, like I wasn't even there and strolled over to where Heather Chandler and McNamara stood.

"Ah, Heather and Heather," The distinct sound of Heather Duke vomiting rang out from the stall I stood next to. Ms Fleming looked at it with disgust. "And Heather. I'm guessing you didn't hear the bell over the vomiting? You're late for class." Heather Chandler responded without a second thought.

"Heather wasn't feeling well. We're helping her." She gained a shrill and fake laugh in response.

"Not without a hall pass you're not," I pulled out my diary and scribbled out a hall pass forgery before pulling out the page. "Week's detention." I stumbled out in front of her, pushing the forgery into her hand.

"Actually, we're all out on a hall pass... Yearbook committee." I smiled weakly as she inspected the pass before sighing in defeat. "Hurry up and get where you're going." I nodded and felt an arm reach over my shoulder to snatch away the pass, causing me to spin around.

"This is an excellent forgery. Who are you?" The Queen Bee folded her arms over her chest, McNamara scurrying to her side and ringing her hands while staring at me. I stared at her for a second, shocked that she was actually talking to me, before extending a hand for her to shake.

"Uh, Veronica. Sawyer. I, uh, wanted something from you." She looked at my hand in disgust and put her hands on her hips, looking me over carefully. "What do you want?" Oh. I expected her to turn me down immediately.

"Let me sit at your table at lunch. Just once, if people think you tolerate me they'll leave me alone." Heather Duke had appeared from her bathroom stall by this point and they all glanced at each other before laughing. After a second, they stopped and began inspecting me, which is when I noticed that her skin wasn't the pale grey I usually saw it to be. It was a new colour that I'd never seen before. I was snapped out of my thoughts by her hand on my chin and words spilling from her mouth.

"For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure." I stared at her and felt myself blushing at how close she was to me. Her eyes now looked different as well. She moved away and Heather McNamara came over, also getting awkwardly close to me. Her skin and eyes looked different as well.

"And a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull I'd have matching halves," What the fuck? She looked away and removed her hand from my head. "That's very important." She nodded to herself proudly, as if the final comment made her no longer sound deranged. Heather Duke came into view, poking my stomach.

"Of course you could stand to lose a few pounds." I batted her hand away and she glared at me before returning to Chandler's side. Their clothes slowly started fading from grey into much brighter clothing. Fidgeting with my hands I looked down and noticed my clothing had colour as well now. In fact, my clothing had a really nice colour. Good job on choosing it me, even though it was grey when I chose it. When I glanced back up I realised Heather Chandler was staring at me with complete bewilderment. She slowly looked down at her own clothing and seemed happy with it, before glancing over at Duke.

"Oh my God." Duke looked baffled by the sudden comment.

"What is it, Heather?"

"What the fuck is that colour you're wearing?" Duke looked even more confused and looked down. All she could see was the regular grey.

"Uh, grey, Heather. That's the only colour, well, aside from black and white and the other shades but-"

"Shut up, Heather."

"Sorry, Heather." We all went silent for a second and looked around before anyone did anything, which happened to be Heather McNamara.

"Wait, so you can see other colours now, Heather?" Chandler nodded, looking at her questioningly. "But... can't you only see other colours once you meet your soulmate?" 

"Yeah, everyone knows that, Heather." She said, as if she didn't realise what was actually meant.

"And you can only see colours starting today, in this bathroom?" Chandler looked agitated before responding.

"Yes, Heather." McNamara nodded slowly before saying anything more.

"As in starting today. In this bathroom. Where you met Veronica?" I stood there messing around on my phone to ignore the fact that they'd basically forgot I was stood right there, existing and shit. It was somewhat entertaining that Chandler appeared to not understand what was being implied.

"Heather, what the fuck do you mean?" I sighed and decided to actually speak.

"She means we're soulmates, dumbass." Okay, so maybe calling Queen Bitch herself dumbass wasn't the best idea, but her lack of understanding was depressing. She stopped and stared at me in horror. Her mouth was wide with shock and she looked about to say something, but no words came out for an agonizingly long time.

"We're... soulmates?"  Me and the other two Heathers sighed loudly.

"Yes, Heather." The look of sheer confusion on her face was hilarious. I would have taken a picture if I didn't think she'd ruin my life. It wasn't that confusing was it?

"But I'm not gay." I couldn't help it and burst into laughter. The other Heathers started laughing too and Chandler just started staring at the floor in confusion, clearly trying to work out what the fuck was happening. By this point I'd stopped caring about what she'd do to me and pulled out my phone to take a picture. The face she was making was just too priceless not to make into a meme. (Veronica clearly would have been a meme loving fuck, you can't convince me otherwise)

"Well," I began doing finger guns while still laughing, "You're clearly wrong there." She started glaring at me and somehow it hadn't actually occurred to me that this meant she was also my soulmate until then. I stopped completely.

"Wait fuck, no."


There'll probably be a continuation of this at some point, but request more things because I'll probably forget about this chapter in a week or so.

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