The land whale packs differ in size, the smallest having five in a pack, while the largest is 20. We call the biggest pack the undertow, while we call the small packs gurgles or splash depending on the region and the density of land whales.
The packs have a leader known as the alpha whale, while his lower in commands are called the beta whales. Common land whales are known as grunts, doing the bidding of the alpha and beta whales. Alpha whales are the biggest in the pack, overpowering every whale.
We believe that the alpha whales are connected by the hive mind. We also believe that there are elite land whales that have evolved farther than the alpha and beta whales. The elite whales don't hunt in packs, they hunt singularly and they are extremely deadly, avoid at all costs.
Please take careful watch while you're driving or walking outside, because the elite whales are stealthy and have no sympathy for any living creature.
The elite land whales are also believed to break the laws of physics by phasing in and out of existence by running faster than the speed of light. This concludes the land whale packs.
The Biology of Land Whale
HumorThis discusses how land whale live and basically everything about them.