Chapter 16

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Allie had been waiting two days before she finally seen Maya. The two walked behind the women's shelter, where Allie has been staying, and into the alleyway. 

"So? Do you have them?" Allie held out her hand.

"Allie, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Give them to me."


"Now Maya!" Allie grabbed the drugs from Maya's hand. "Cocaine. Perfect. You can leave now."

Maya had nothing to say so she just left.  Allie put the drugs in her pocket and walked inside to the bathroom where she began to consume them.  She had enough to last her a week.


A few days went by and no one has heard from Allie. Franky, Bea, and Doreen were all at the salon.

"How are you doing Bea?"

"I'm alright. Thanks for asking Doreen. I really appreciate the extra work you've been putting in lately. Thank you."

"Hey don't worry about it!"

Bea looked down at her phone that just vibrated in her hand.

Hey it's Kaz. Are you around Allie? I've been out of town. She said something happened but I can't get a hold of her.

"What is it Red?"

"It's Kaz. She's looking for Allie."

"Ah, she must not know about you two yet."

Allie and I broke up Kaz. I caught her and Maya kissing. I made her leave so I don't know where she is.

Thanks Bea. I'll find her.


A few hours go by. Kaz has been looking around town all day for Allie but has had no luck.  Just as she was about to go home she drove past the shelter to find Allie sitting outside leaning against the building. Kaz got out and walked over to her. 

"Allie? What are you doing here?"

Kaz noticed Allie's eyes were different and her nose was red.

"She left me Kaz. Maya kissed me the other night and Bea walked in. I didn't even get to tell her what actually happened." Allie had tears in her eyes and was choked up.

"You're back on the drugs aren't you? Dammit Allie."

"It's the only thing that makes me feel better. It makes me forget about it."

"You need help. Come on. Come with me."

"I don't need help, I need Bea. I love her so much."

"I know. Come on."  Kaz picked Allie up and put her in the car to head to Kaz's house.


Meanwhile at the salon..

"What if something's happened to her Bea?" Doreen asked.

"It's not my place to worry about where Allie is or isn't anymore."

"Come on Red. You still care about her and you know it."

"She shouldn't have betrayed my trust Franky."

"Did you even give her a chance to explain what happened?"

"I saw what happened. I walked in and they were kissing."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Shit Franky! I saw it with my own two eyes."

"How do you know Allie wasn't trying to stop her?"

Bea stood in silence.

"You need to talk to her Red. Find out what really happened."

Bea  didn't have anything to say so she just went back to working.


That night as Bea was sitting at the table eating dinner alone her phone rang. 


"Yeah it's me. Can you come over? I need you to see something."

"Right now?"


"Um, I guess. I'll be over soon."

"Okay. See you then."

Bea got her her keys and walked out the door.


Kaz went to answer Bea's knock at the door.

"Come in."

"What is it you need me to see?"

"Just follow me."

Kaz led Bea to the bathroom where she found Allie with her head over the toilet vomiting. 

"Why do I need to see this?"

"She's going through a withdraw."

"Withdraw? Like drugs?"

"Exactly. She got them from Maya a few days after you kicked her out."


"I know. She's been asking for you. She said she needs to explain what really happened."

Bea stood in disappointment. "Yeah, I was so angry at the time that I didn't give her a chance to explain to me."

"Maybe you should."

"I've got this Kaz. I'll take care of her. Go on."

Kaz decided to leave and let Bea and Allie get through this.

Bea was up with Allie for hours. Allie was hot one second and cold the next. She was kicking and screaming trying to leave. After hours of fighting she finally fell asleep on the couch. Bea got her a blanket and covered her up. She was about to leave but looked back at Allie and she couldn't. She couldn't leave her like this because she loved her too much. She walked over to the couch and laid next to Allie putting her arm around her.


That's all for this chapter. It's shorter than the others, but I stop them where I think it's the best place to.  Please continue to read, share, and follow me on instagram!

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