#24 How he knows your angry

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Ashton: When you are angry, you ignore him and everything around you. You usually just lie in bed, curled up under the covers, focusing on your own thoughts.You'll usually lay like this until you hear him come home. It will take him a few minutes to work out where you are and then he'll gently join you in bed. He'll wrap you up in his arms and you will both just talk for hours.

Calum: You will rush to him as soon as you are home and try and distract yourself by making out with him until your angry thoughts go away. You hate to talk about your feelings and kissing him means that you don't have too. Calum prefers it when you talk to him about your feelings so they don't get built up, but he defiantly doesn't complain when you are like this. 

Luke: When you are angry, you like to hug Luke. You will both sit there in each others arms for hours and hours. Luke will just hold you tightly so that you feel safe and once you are calmed down, he will run you a bath or make you a hot drink to relax you even more.

Michael: When you are angry, Michael immediately knows. You will storm through the front door, slamming it loudly before throwing your stuff down on the floor. He will quickly run to you trying to calm you down, letting you rant to him about your problems. Once you have finished, he will kiss you on the forehead and then make his way to the kitchen to make your favourite meal.


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meg x

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