#28 How you met

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Luke: You both met at a house party.

A group of people at the party,including you and Luke, were playing truth or dare. The bottle landed on Luke and everyone dared him to give you a quick kiss on the lips. You were really nervous because although you fancied Luke quite a lot, you'd just met him so you were scared that it would be awkward. Everyone watched as Luke lent over towards you slowly pressing his lips to yours. You thought he would instantly pull away but instead he carried on kissing you. Eventually he pulled away before saying 'Wow, we really need to go on a date.'

Ashton: In the library.

You don't normally use the library because you would usually do research for a school project on the internet  but because your laptop had broke, here was the only option. You were quietly reading when someone sat next to you. You decided to ignore them because they were clearly just trying to get attention.

"Hey." He spoke quietly, he face holding a smirk.

You looked up to see a very handsome boy looking down at you.

"Hi." You smiled

"I need help." He said simply, still not looking away from your face.

"With?" You questioned.

"I need to ask a very mysterious but yet very beautiful girl out who likes to  read books." He smiled.

"Who is this girl?" You asked.

He gently nudged your shoulder 

You started laughing because you realised what he was asking. 

"Okay, I will go out with you and  for the record, I don't usually read."

"Sassy. I like it." Ashton replied.

Calum: You meet in a bar.

You were walking to the bar to order drinks for you and your friends when a tall boy came crashing into you spilling his drink all over your new top.

"I am so sorry." He stuttered, trying to wipe off the liquid that now covered your shirt.

"Just leave it." You snapped. 

"I honestly never meant to. Sorry, I am so clumsy." You looked up to him and realised how sympathetic his eyes were.

"No, it's fine. I know it was an accident." You explained to him.

"Really? Well thanks." He smiled. "Hey, why don't I buy you a drink as an apology?"

Michael: On a dinner date.

You and Michael were on a dinner date that had been set up by your friends. Although you and Michael both had friends that knew each other you two hadn't actually met. You were both expecting the date to be awkward but conversation flowed really well and there was many points in the date where you were both laughing hysterically at each others jokes. At the end you both shared a giant ice cream sundae, smiling at each others 'ice cream mustaches.' 


Comment: Whats your favourite 5SOS song? Mine is Social Casualty.

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