When two sisters, Kacey and Skye, move to a new town they are excited to meet new people and new friends. What will happen? What wonders will we hear? What will we learn? And who will fall in love?!
Eye colour emotions: Red = Anger / Fire Orange = Hungry / Make food appear Yellow = Confused / See in people's minds and hear what they are thinking of Green = Calm / Grow Nature Light Blue = Happy / Control People Blue = Upset / Ice Cyan = Shocked / Sparks Purple = Really Happy / Anything Pink = Love / Potions Black = Really Angry / Summon creatures White = Afraid / Magic Shields
Kaceys Pov
"Eeeek! I'm so excited to meet new people and have a new house where we can live together without our mum!" I say to Skye while driving my Pastle purple car.
"I know right! It's going to be amazing and we are going to make so many new friends!" Skye says too enthusiasticly!
"OH MY IRENE! We are here! I can see the moving van." I Park the car and get out then grab my bag.
"This place is amazing" Skye says.
"Well I picked it out myself! What do you expect?!" We both start laughing.
"I CALL BIGGEST ROOM!" I shout running towards the door, opening it and running up the stairs. Once I am up there I throw my bag and fall on the floor face first.
"Damn" I hear Skye say.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was joking the rooms are around the same size. My one just has a ensuite bathroom!"
She walks out of my room and to hers. I walk back down the stairs and go outside to the moving van. I start grabbing boxes that are labelled 'Kacey's Awesome stuff to go in her new room' and heave them up one by one up the stairs. I then grab the last box and put it down, counting them all while trying to breath.
"Great 16 boxes" It feels like I had been up and down the stairs 100,000,000,000,000,001 times!
"Let's start grabbing the ones for the rest of the house" Skye shouts from downstairs. She has less boxes than me so she had already started. I began helping her and putting them in the room that they were labelled.
After bringing all the boxes in we thank the van driver and start unboxing and decorating the house.
We both then get changed into a fresh outfit:
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"Awe we are matching!" Skye says while we look at each others outfits.
"Come on! Lets go greet the neighbours!" I say grabbing a basket full of chocolates.
We walk across the road and to the house infront. Skye then knocks on the door and we both take a step back. Someone then answers the door.
"Heyyyyyy Ladiesssss! What brings you fine people here?" We both blush not realising it and face him saying at the same time.
"Hai! We are your new neighbours!"
"I'm Kacey and this is my little sister Skye" I say smiling!
"Well, first if all welcome to the neighbourhood! My name is Travis or you can call me Hotty and I live with my mates Garroth, Dante and Laurence!"
I hand him the basket of chocolates.
"We brought this for you as a present. Don't forget to share with the household!" Skye says. I expect she forgot the names of all the people since she said 'Household'. This made me chuckle
"Why thank you ladies. Your too kind! Do you want to come in for a bit to meet the other guys?"
"Sure if it's not a problem! Skye?" I say looking at Skye.
"Ok then come on in." Skye and I walk in but as I walk in he grabs my butt.
"GAH!" My eyes turn cyan and I accidentally send a spark to the fire place and it starts a small fire.
"Woah! How did you do that? And why are your eyes now cyan? Your eyes where green before!" Travis says letting go of my butt.
"Well, Skye and I are magical beings. Our eyes change colour to the mood we are in and we can shapeshift. Our main animals that we were born are Werewolf, Meif'wa and Fox" I say still shocked.
"We were somehow born like this when we have normal parents. Our parents think we were cursed but no one has any idea" Skye adds on the end. My eyes slowly turn green again and I laugh.
"What's going on out here Travis?" I hear a guy say and walk in. We are sitting on the rose red sofa just talking then Travis stops and says,
"Oh Hey Dante these are our new neighbours Kacey and Skye! They actually brought us chocolates but we have to wait till the rest are up so we can eat them!" We all start laughing, while Skye and I actually know he has already eaten a WHOLE bar.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Kacey and Skye, I'm Dante!"
"Hey, guys what's going on?" I hear a gruff voice saying.
"Yeah, we heard lots of laughing" another man said with a calm voice.
"This is Kacey and Skye our new neighbours" Travis and Dante say together.
"Well, I'm Garroth and this is Laurence" The gruff guy says again.
I wave and say "Hai, I'm Kacey" Then Skye waves and says "Hai, I'm Skye"
"I sense something....a bad something....like another------------" Laurence whispers the last bit to the rest of the guys.
"A what?!" I say getting worried, making my eyes turn yellow. I use my ability and read Laurence's mind.
"Nothing" He says.
"A shadow knight?" I say questioning him.
"How did you know?!" Laurence, Dante and Garroth all say at the same time.
"They were born as magical beings" Travis explains to them what we said to him.
"So....what do you know about shadow Knights?!" Garroth says.
"Well, Kacey and I know that there was this group in school called the shadow Knights but when we left we found out there was a whole different dimension."
"Well, thanks for having us guys it was nice meeting you. We should hang out more but we really need to go meet some other people!" I say trying to cover up a secret while my eyes turn purple.
"Ok Byeeeeeeee" They all say in unison.
Skye and I walk out the door and to our house to get another chocolate basket to give to another house.
"Today is beginning to get tiring" Skye says huffing.
"Don't worry I'm sure we will get a good night sleep tonight" I say as I shut the door to go to the next house beside us.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Hai Guys! This book is like mystreet with a bit of MCD, I though it would be cool to mix them up a bit. Sorry if books take longer to post, I'm am trying to get atleast 1000 words in each! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~