We're Late, We're Late! For a very important date!

10 1 3

Kacey's POV

After parking my car in the busy parking lot, Skye and I jumped out of the car as if we were in an action movie, ready to fight crime. We ran into the supermarket as fast as we could, pushing through the crowds of people searching for the best deals. Once we finally pushed past, Skye and I split up to find the things we needed. I speed walk to the fish isle, hoping to find some sushi, skimming each shelf to find the best pack.

I then rush out of the isle in search of Skye, running through the middle, looking either side of me, I then find her in an isle, turning quickly almost running into her. I look up to see her basket full of chocolate biscuits, sausage rolls, party rings and other kinds of picnic foods like sandwiches.

We walked to the self service, laughng and giggling at what we were buying. We waited in line for about 10 minutes and when the chance came, we sprinted at it. Scanning our products in lightning speed, working together. We grabbed the two bags and quickly skipped outside, tripping a few times on the way.

We jump in the car shoving the bags in the back and turn on the radio. I insert my favourite album. 'Crybaby'. The first song comes on and I begin to drive out of the car space.

"Quick!" Skye says looking at her phone, "We were supposed to be there 10 minutes ago!"

I step on the acceleration peddle, speeding out of the parking lot and turning onto the motor way towards the little village we were heading for.

"Why didn't we just go for a picnic in our nearby field!?" I ask, concentrating on the road, turning into a junction.

"That's boringgg!" Skye replies giggling.

I can see the village up ahead. And guess what? A bloody traffic jam!

"We are never going to get there at this point!" I sigh in frustration.

"Let me look on Goodle Maps for a different route." Skye answers, pulling out her phone.

(Goodle is their version of Google)

"Turn Right." I hear Skye's phone say. I follow it's instructions turning into a small road, going slowly and listening to the instructions.

"Turn Left." I follow it's instructions again. Turning into a now slightly busier road.

I follow a few more of Goodles instructions, turning left right in all kinds of instructions. We drive past all the old, quaint houses. All out of place with some of our modern houses down our road. We finally reach the field, which holds some beautiful trees and flowers, with a small empty park beside it. We could have some fun there later.

I pull into a parking space next to two familiar cars. I assume that they are Zane and Aphmau's cars. We take out the bags, the picnic basket and the spare blanket and walk over to where we said we were going to meet.

"Only 12 minutes late so that's ok." I say laughing. We see the group and they wave. We both wave back and I grab Skye's arm, running towards the group.

"Ah! Slow down!" Skye says trying to keep up with me while holding the two shopping bags.

"Hey!" They all chant together smiling. Except for Zane. He is sitting under a tree, probably hiding from the sun. Skye sits next to Kawaii~Chan and I scoot over next to Zane.

"Hey Zane!" I say playfully punching his arm.

"I'm glad you're finally here. These people are crazy." I laugh.

"I'm crazy too!" I reply giggling.

"Yeah but you have common sense!" I laugh even more and he joins in, us eventually crying. We then calm each other down and look up realising that they are all looking at us.

"Heh. Sorry!" I say. Zane quietly laughs and take out the spare blanket and place the picnic basket in front of us. From the other side of the blanket I see Skye unpacking the shopping bags. I run up to her and grab my 3 giant party sizes of sushi and rush back to Zane.

"You like sushi?" I ask. All Zane does is look at me in awe.

"Zane?" I say, trying to snap him out of his coma.

"Sorry!" He rubs the back of his head nervously, "Yeah I love sushi, but you know what's better. Cupcakes."

I laugh at how serious he sounds and open one of the sushi packs.

"Eat as much as you want. I still have two packs." I say already grabbing for a cucumber and tuna one.


"Zane." I laugh.

"Whattt?" He replies staring at me in confusion.

"You have a bit of sushi on your mouth." I laugh again.

He quickly brushes it off and blushes nervously.

"It's fine dude, I know that it happens when it comes to sushi." We both laugh, and give each other a fist pump.

"I've never seen you this happy before little brother."

"Leave him aloneeeee!" I say in a jokey tone, "maybe I'm just too amazing and no one else can make him laugh cos I'm da bomb!"

"Yeah, you kill everyone with your looks." Garroth replies with a smirk. This immediately makes me shut up and I look down and blush.

"Oh guys!" Skye says, jumping up with joy. She looks at me and down to the bag of toys and we then stare at each other with a smirk. I stand up and in unison we shout:


Skye grabs it out the back and throws it to me. Everyone stands up in a big circle and I throw it to Aphmau who sadly. Doesn't catch it because she is a short potato.

"You short potato." Aaron laughs and catches the frisbee.

"Oi no fair you giant." Aphmau replies, joking along with him. Aaron then passes it to Kawaii~chan who then catches it and lands in a tree, then jumping back down on the ground and throwing it towards Skye who gets hit in the forehead by the frisbee!

"Kawaii~Chan!" Skye says picking up the frisbee and rubbing her head.

"Kawaii~Chan is so so so so sorry!"

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Skye and I shout together.

"Well cats always land on their feet."

~A/N- Part two will be soon meh little puppets! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I'm so caught up in everything. I'll promise to write more.

Oh and btw my sister created a plot for this. She wanted to help and has written a cute little chapter that I have changed and written to be longer and more detailed. If you like I'll put the pictures of it at the end of the next chapter. Just remind me!

Bye bye my puppets, see you next time!

~ Crybaby Kacey (Kodi)

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