12 - School

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I woke up the next morning and got dressed for school. I wore nothing special, just a Puma sweater and some jeans. I didn't really feel like dressing up today.

I left for school and made my way to class. I felt like I was forgetting something. I sat at my desk and got out my homework. I forgot to do it! I was so busy with Yoongi that I forgot to do my homework! This has never happened before! I've always done my work, but ever since Yoongi started showing up in my life, I hadn't been able to focus on anything else. I hurriedly tried to finish my homework before it was time to turn it in.

As I was rushing to complete my unfinished work, Yoongi walked into the class. He walked past my desk and saw me rushing. He stopped and ruffled my hair.

"I thought good boys did their homework" He laughed as he shook his head at me. He left before I can say anything else.

Was this going to be a normal thing now? If it is, I need time to get used to this.

Anyways, class continued and every time I'd look over to see what Yoongi was doing, he was looking at me. Our eyes would meet and I'd look away as quick as possible.

Second period came so I sped my way to the locker rooms. I changed into my dance clothes and hurried into the dance room because I was a slow changer.

I stretched for a few minutes, then got to work. I practiced my dance routine to Taemin's Press Your Number. I love that song so much that I wanted to learn the dance to it.

After dance class I had Biology with V. Today we were collecting bacteria samples to grow in class, which wasn't in my interest.

Fourth period was Computer Science, which was one of my favorite classes. I sat in between Jungkook and Jin. My teacher let us use our notes on every test and sometimes even let us look up the answer if we needed to. That was only because the class was kind of difficult, but as long as you stayed focused, the class was really easy. I rarely had homework for this class.

After fourth period, I had lunch. My school had two lunch periods. Yoongi had the first lunch period and I had the second, so I didn't get to see him, only in first period. I always ate my lunch with Jungkook, Jin, and Jimin. V and Namjoon had first lunch with Yoongi.

Fifth period I had English with Namjoon. It was an easy class, but for some reason I was always making up assignments for this class. Namjoon, however, always seemed to be really good in this class.

The last period of the day was World History with Jimin. This class was very simple, so I passed every test and assignment.

I didn't feel like walking to the coffee shop, so I walked home slowly. I was still thinking about Yoongi and why he still won't say we're dating. I know there must be a good reason for him not to, but I just can't get it out of my mind. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to know and I needed to know now.  I walked to Yoongi's house.
Sorry for not updating, but now that I'm done with my midterms, I might be able to update more. I realized I hadn't given much information about Hoseok's school, I thought I'd make this chapter for that. And Hoseok is about to find out why Yoongi won't say they're dating. This is my real school schedule btw, except for the last period, that one I had to make up.♡

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