Chapter 6

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Love this song, it's so sweet, and love Frozen too:)please VOTE!


|song for this chapter|

Let It Go - Demi Lovato

Josh let go of me with a little push, making my head bump into the wall. I grasped my bag and ran to my car. I turned the key making the engine roar to life, I turned out on the street, my heart still beating like crazy.

It was dark and I was all alone on the road. I’ve never liked driving after what I did to Adam. What I did was horrible; maybe Josh hitting me was my punishment for hurting Adam. My life is the punishment. Watching Adam not even being able to do simple everyday stuff like walking down to the grocery store or go for a run, that hurts to see when we’re visiting them, you would think that was punishment enough, but what I did was bad and it’s all my fault. I just wished someone would love me, not even my boyfriend loves me, but I know he’s the closest I’ll ever get to be loved, by anybody. I might as well just disappear…

I could do it again, it’s just a quick swing to the left, and everybody’s pain would be gone. Josh might find someone he loves so much, he’s unable to lay a hand on her, my mother has Richard and Ashley, and Ashley has her friends. Adam has nana, and he’s so caring he will find someone who will love him almost as much as I do.

My hands started shaking. I gripped the steering wheel tightly, taking a deep breath. My hands started sweating.




I quickly turned left, not letting myself have any second thoughts. The memories from my first crash floated through my mind. I started screaming but no sound came out. I hit my head against the window, and everything went black.

* * *

I slowly opened my eyes, bright light streaming through. “Am I in heaven?”

“Not quite.” A voice said startling me. I looked in the direction of the voice, seeing Harry sitting in a chair by the wall.

“W-what are you doing here?” I frowned. I barely know him and he’s the only one here. Is there truly no one who loves me?

“I was the one who found you. Your family is home resting they were here all night.” He turns a little in his seat making the chair squeak.


“How long have I been asleep?” I asked surprised that he stayed. “Has Josh been here?” I ask my heart starting to pound.

“Two days and no hasn’t, thank god for that! I think that if I ever meet him again I’d punch the shit out of him.” He says, making me laugh. “What? You don’t think I can take him?” he smiles.

“He can punch pretty hard” I mutter. So he won’t hear me.

“How do you know…?” he shakes his head. His smile suddenly disappears. “Has he hit you” he stands up from his seat walking closer to me.

Fuck, fuck, fucking shit!

“What?! O-of course he hasn’t” I look away. I’m such a bad liar.

“Oh my god” he breathe out, running his hands through his curls. “That was why your cheek was bruised yesterday.” He starts pacing. “That fucking prick, is hitting you!” he yell.

I quickly hush him, as I raise myself into a sitting position letting out a whine from the pain shooting trough my whole body. “Would you keep quiet” I whisper. Why am I whispering?

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