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no epilogue? jk surprise bitches im back to mess with your emotions more 

i originally wasn't going to post this bc messy but this was how I was gonna end it and thought u guys might want to see the original ending and blah blah blah
enjoy xo


Ethan's POV

I finish reading the letter and fold it back up. My fingers gingerly slide the folded up piece of paper back into the journal as a noise jolts me out of my actions.

"Ethan" a voice calls.

A voice so familiar... a voice I haven't heard in so long.

"Ethan" it booms through my ear drums sending a sharp pain to my head.

It was Luna.

"Ethan please" she calls and my body starts to burn like I'm on fire.

I rapidly blink my eyes trying to snap myself into reality. I need to stop drinking it's making me hallucinate.

Just as I think she stops calling; she booms through my eardrums again causing me to put my hands to my ears. There's only one problem.

My body is paralyzed.

The only thing I am able to move are my eyes. I squeeze them shut trying to stop everything that's going on.

I feel a touch on my arm as my eyes shoot open. A bright white light burns my eyes and I shut them once again.

"Did you see that! Did anyone see that!" her voice screams.

My eyes shoot open hardly adjusting to the light. A clean smell fills my nose and the sounds of multiple feet running near are heard.

Am I in a hospital?

The light is finally blocked my a familiar face hovering over top of me.

"Luna?" my voice croaks.

"Ethan!" she sobs hugging me tight.

"What is going on? Aren't you dead?" I ask trying to pull myself out of this... dream?

A doctor walks in and puts a flashlight in my eyes and does all sorts of tests on me.

They leave Luna and I alone in the room and I am still trying to figure out what is going on. Everything is... different.

"Ethan. The day I came to pick you up from the airport we got in a bad car accident. There was a drunk driver and he hit the car which caused you to go into a coma..." she whispers, "they said you were never going to wake up, but here you are," a slight smile forms across her face.

I can't help but to start laughing hysterically at the current events.

"This isn't funny. Why are yo-" I cut her off.

"It's funny because you're dead and I'm too drunk to snap myself out of whatever is going on right now," I say bluntly, which causes her to cry.

I reach my hand out to cup her face. My hand burns as the warmth of her cheeks contrasts against my cold hand.

She leans in and her lips gently touch against mine. She pulls back in a smile and whispers, "2800 miles".

My head starts spinning as her face slowly disappears. Her body turning transparent.

My eyes jolt open as a loud knock pounds through my ears. I quickly sit up in my bed, but there are fabric straps covering all my limbs.

"Good afternoon, Etha- are you alright?" my nurse, Luanne asks me.

"Bad dream," I shrug, sweat beading off of my forehead.

"Sorry if I woke you, but it is time to take your medication," she says undoing the restraints and handing me me a small plastic cup.

I grab the pills and put them all in my mouth; chasing them with water.

Luanne leaves and I sit on the edge of my bed and stare at the wall. I sigh as I grab the journal that was hidden under the bed and start writing in it.

The lead of my pencil snaps as I hear doctors in the hallway.

"Patients like these break my heart," Dr. Cressell starts, "they've made up this alternate reality and believe everything they think; not knowing that it never really happened".

My stomach churns as the words burn through my ears. 

"I know. But, it's sad to know that he really believes he lost the love of his life..." Luanne says, her voice gentle and soft, similar to Luna's.

"Unfortunately that doesn't matter. You really shouldn't get so invested with your patients, especially Ethan". 

Luanne's voice adds into the conversation once again, "He is truly hurting and has no one. Why am I the only one that believes him?"

"He is sick, Luanne. He will never get better. And 'this' is his reality, he believes she was real and that he lost her and theres nothing you can do about it...." Dr. Cressell states, his voice burning through the air.

I sigh in realization that I am just some "crazy" patient to them. I turn my head to the journal and pull out the small note that Luna left for me.

"2800 miles".


and thats it the end

if anyone is confused, yes luna is real and yes she did die; which is why Ethan ended up going "mad". the doctors diagnosed him with having a psychotic disorder (the experience of images or sounds that are not real, such as hearing voices -- and, which are false fixed beliefs that the ill person accepts as true, despite evidence to the contrary) and therefore do not believe luna ever existed - let alone died.

!!!!! p.s. I have a new book out called scripturient ((if ur interested)) !!!!!!

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