VII. Mine

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Thank you MackenzieEarl5
for your suggestion! It was a very good idea.

"Birds," Thredson said.

"Birds," Rose repeated.

Thredson sighed in aggravation.

"No, Ms. Patterson. I say a word and you tell me the first word you associate with it. Now, birds."


He pulled off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose.

"You are making this much more complicated than it needs to be, Ms. Patterson," he said. "If you ever want to get out of here I suggest you cooperate with me, this way you can be deemed sane and leave. Even if you are manipulating the system. Now. Birds."

"Ravens," she whispered softly.

He placed his glasses back on. "Good. We're finally getting somewhere. Blood."






He tilted his head. "Why sad?"

"I knew a clown named Twisty," she said. "He had a very sad story."

He nodded and looked down at his notes.

"Segregation and sexism?"

"Shit. Everyone is born equal. We all deserve to be treated that way."

"Very well put," he said.

She glanced at the clock.

"Looks like our sessions over. Will you be here for the movie The Sign of the Cross?"

"I'm helping orchestrate it, so yes."

She stood to her feet and opened the door.

"Welcome to the real madhouse, Dr. Thredson," she said and winked.
Shelly, Grace, Kit, Lana, and Rose sat together at the movie.

"We're clear on the plan, correct?" Kit asked. "We don't want another incident like before."

He was referring to his earlier attempt to escape that failed miserably.

Shelly nodded and Rose gave a thumbs up.

The movie begun and soon it was time.

They were all able to slip away and down the hall.

They heard footsteps and sounds of a guard.

"Go," Shelly said. "I'll distract him. If I'm not there soon go, tell my story. Shut this place down."

Lana nodded. "I will expose every sick thing going on here."

Rose patted Shelly's shoulder and they gave each other a look of understanding.

Shelly walked off to seduce the guard.

"Let's go," Kit said and they raced off.

They hid in a room, Kit and Rose went to keep lookout.

Then there was more footsteps. Thredson face appeared around the corner.

"No, no, no," Kit muttered.
"We're doomed. He'll find us."

She pulled him forward and across the hall.

She disheveled her clothes and before he could say a word she was kissing him.

He was shocked and taken back, before getting the hint and kissing back. He pressed her against the wall. He didn't wanna admit it, but he kind of enjoyed the feeling of her lips against his.

Thredson turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Then with three strides he walked forward and yanked Kit away from Rose.

"What are you two doing here?" Thredson said with a clenched jaw.

"Isn't it obvious?" Rose said.

Thredson glared daggers at Kit.

"Mr. Walker, get back to the movie room. Ms. Patterson and I need to have a chat."

Rose kissed Kit's cheek and whispered in his ear, "Get out of here."

He nodded and walked off, Thredson's eyes never leaving him until he left. Rose saw him go the way back to the hiding spot, but Thredson was too furious to notice.

He was breathing heavily and his fists were clenched.

He slammed his hand against the wall beside her head and pointed a finger at her face.

"You're mine!" he unclenched his fist and backed away.

He straightened his glasses and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Problem, Oliver?" she asked, mockingly.

"I'm going to get you out of here," he said. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.

"You don't belong here."

"Ah," she grinned and pouted. She patted him lightly on the shoulder.
"We both know I do."

She went to walk away but he grabbed her arm and turned her towards him.

"I know about the Raven," he said. "Poe's poem."

Her face hardened.

"What do you want from me, Oliver?"

"Let me get you out of here," he said. His demeanor quickly changed. "But if I ever see you look at another man in a way I don't like...I'll kill them and I'll torture you."

"How cute. You think you have control over what I do. You don't own me, Oliver. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a movie to watch."

She walked off and he inhaled deeply.

"Kit Walker must be removed from the equation. You will be mine, Rose. You will be mine."

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