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 Dear Friend,

    Hello Friend! How are you! I hope your a fan of Captain America because this letter is dedicated to him and on how much I miss Captain America

    I am quite proud that he has defeated the Nazi's although I do still give credit to other soldiers who helped him, I heard that his best friend Bucky Barnes fell down a mountain from what my friend told me, I am really disappointed that we no longer have a hero but I am still a great fan of Captain America and I do hope to get a card with him on it, I always wanted to meet him you know? Hug the hero and give him a kiss on the cheek? He is a great inspiration for my whole finally and my brother dreams to be him once he turns the age of 21 and its adorable in how much he wants to be Steve Rogers

  Anyways, How are you? I hope you are doing well! How has your day went? How was your week? I Hope it went well! I can't write anymore right now as I am exhausted from my job! Ill write to you next week and I do hope you send me a letter!


Maria Ruth

address ╚ howard starkWhere stories live. Discover now