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Dear Maria Ruth,

Hello there Maria Ruth! I am quite amazed even with the technology today, you still write these silly letters! Although I thank you for writing these letters which always entertain me, A lot has happened to me while you have been in a coma and all you have to do is ask on what happened to Howard Stark while you were gone and a lot of things will appear, thats right! Im Howard Stark! and I do believe I owe you a lot of letters to reply to so how about we meet up and I can answer all your questions! My Day always seems to get better when you are gone which is a nice thing! I do miss Captain America too! He was a great friend of mine and I know about Peggy Carters, what a shame she moved back into call center work but its nice to see Peggy get a new friend! How about we meet up? I'll give you the address in the back of this letter! I do hope we live in the same city or I will surely make a trip to wherever you live! make sure to bring one of your Brothers pastries! I will see you soon than Maria!

Howard Stark

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